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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-02 18:33:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, alice dugan, andrew summers, anya stark, brad hill, bram harker, buck rogers, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, franklin richards, gabriel worthington, giovanna bennet, gregory price, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, jordan bochs, kalypso, lyta worthington, marlow, martin baum, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", rita dermont, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, svalin, team - alpha flight, team - avengers, team - big hero 6, team - champions, team - defenders, team - future foundation, team - genoshans, team - nightstalkers, team - shield, team - x-men, tyler morbius, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

A Gathering of Heroes
Once the Champions returned to their headquarters and destroyed the Quantum Mirror returning all the heroes to normal. Once that was done they called a meeting of the superhero teams. Irina transported the Champions to the Avengers Mansion and volunteered to provide transportation for the other teams.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 03:36 am UTC (link)
Martin doesn't look up from what he's been doing for the past while. Which is flipping through his giant spellbook and looking for a spell that'd do something similar to Vincent's. He is listening to Lucas though and glances at Marlow to see what she thinks before turning back to flipping through the book.

"Do you have it written down? The spell? Or an outline or something? Because everyone is responsible for what their magic does and if you're not going to tell us more about the spell then...I don't know why you think people are going to lend their magic blindly."

Martin may have fun with magic and be naive about some things, but magic wasn't one of them and this was serious time. If there was one thing he could take away from Dr. Strange's lessons it was about being responsible with your magic. Even more so given his powers. He was literally a leaking magic source with gloves and countless limiting spells the only things keeping it in check. He'd helped Dr. Strange in the past with spells, being a magic battery of sorts but had been told many many times to be very careful whose spells he did that for. Too many people could abuse it and you had a responsibility to where your magic went.

So it's no surprise that Martin isn't thinking much of this spell. It's not a power issue as far as he can see, but he doesn't want to go in blind. What's more was that all he'd heard about this Vincent was from Marlow. And...well it wasn't favourable. Weak illusions and not the most flattering evaluation of the guy's behaviour. But the end result was just not to worry about this guy. Either way, not someone who he was likely to trust with the sort of magic power he was asking for. No, there needed to be more to go on than just vague explanations and the guy's word before anything happened.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 03:58 am UTC (link)
"It's not a spell, per se. It's an innate ability granted to me directly by Odin, after I spent time hung from the World Tree, as he did for his own powers. I had to sacrifice for it. However, I understand enough magical theory to be able to break it down to spell-like terminology." He quotes a few examples from the Books of the Vishanti and the Odic Scrolls for reference points.

"It's a very strong access to divination, but as I said, I'm not entirely certain how the Odinsleep will affect it."

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 04:02 am UTC (link)
While they're talking, Lucas is... not so much taking notes, as taking advantage of understanding Asgardian takes on magic enough to be doing what Martin asked about - making some easy to follow notes on what this is supposed to do and how it should work - and what its similar to in more Vishanti-centric terms.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 06:05 am UTC (link)
To Marlow, it /was/ a power issue. Allowing somebody she didn't trust to know her limits was not something a smart sorceress did. Her knowledge of Vincent indicated some magical talent and an ego that overstepped its bounds. If she'd learned one thing, it was that ego had no place in magic.

"Access is only that. If you don't know how it's going to work, us lending our magic to it could make a bad situation worse. Martin and I are used to combining our magic. We could overload your spell and blow it up. Lucas, would you be able to monitor that?"

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 06:25 am UTC (link)
Martin doesn't seem to be very satisfied with Vincent's answer. After all, examples and references were fine and all but it wasn't what they were actually dealing with. Examples didn't accurately reflect what one often actually did. So all it does is serve to make him more annoyed until he spies Lucas scribbling away and leans a little to catch a glimpse of what the man was doing. Well, at least someone had listened to his concern properly.

Marlow's points get nods of agreement from Martin. He didn't really know his own limits, but he had no intention of telling Vincent that at all. Powering spells was never an issue for him, but with magic control was very important. Spells blowing up at you was not something very fun.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 06:30 am UTC (link)
"From the Astral, yeah. I'll see the lines of magic, any surges, make sure things are working right. I'd need someone willing to trust me enough to let me link to their subconscious to warn anyone in time though. If anyone needs collateral to help that trust - well, my body will be empty, and on your side. I'm willing to trust to that though." he answers, handing Martin his notes.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 04:37 pm UTC (link)
Collateral she understood. Mr. Twoyoungmen had been on Dr. Strange's lecture list and had the automatic benefit of the doubt.

And seriously, better her than Martin. Control wasn't an issue for her like it was for Martin. She had a better chance than Vincent to rein in Martin's power if necessary.

"I'll trust you. But don't dig too deep. You might disturb something that won't like it."

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 07:48 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not a mind-reader, nor would I want to be. I'm a dream walker, and you'll be awake... except, to touch your mind, while we're in preparation, I'll need to help put you into almost-sleep very briefly, if that's ok?"

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 10:15 pm UTC (link)
"And what wouldst thou have me do?" Asleif asked.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-04 10:27 pm UTC (link)
The notes float out of Lucas's hands and spread out on the hover disc Martin is currently sitting cross legged on. While Marlow and Lucas talk he half listens and half goes through the notes. When he gets the chance he'll telepathically read it out for Marlow, now there were other things.

He's quietly very grateful for Marlow volunteering. He didn't want anyone in his unconscious, regardless of who it was really. But hearing Lucas's ability to track lines of magic relaxed him a little. Yes, his would be the particularly strong but erratic and surging line but with Marlow there to help him try and make it smoother, and this Lucas guy to track it, it made things safer.

Martin finally glances up from the notes to look at Marlow when there's mention of putting her in an almost-sleep. Not that he's too worried about that, she could handle herself and he was around on top of that. Marlow always had his back, so of course he'd always have hers.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 12:02 am UTC (link)
Vincent gives a truly genuine smile as Asleif speaks. "My Lady, if you would be so kind, you and Marlow are two of the foremost illusionists I know of. I'll be counting on you two to keep the results of the divination confirmed, to make sure no false readings are being given to us. Asleif, I'm sure you have no shortage of raw power to add to my own, as well.

Lucas, I greatly appreciate the 'clean workspace', so to speak." Along with him handling the child, but there's no need to say that out loud.

"Now, if you'll all give me a moment..." He dials a number on his phone. "Hello, your highness? Are you interested in helping save the world?"

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 12:12 am UTC (link)
Lucas nods, looking to Martin. "The spell is going to take a lot of raw power... which I can sense in you. Since Marlow is familiar with your style, I should be able to keep track of both pretty easy. Think I can trust you to help keep an eye on my body while I'm out, too?"

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 12:24 am UTC (link)
She had a phone for this specific kind of instance. Akilah picked up her phone, looked at the name, sighed very briefly, and then answered.

"It is what the Bright Lady would command," Akilah replied. "Where am I going?"

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 01:03 am UTC (link)
There's a slight twitch as Martin looks up to glare at Vincent. His eyes aren`t glowing like before but instead of the usual hazel they're a unusually bright blue. The annoyance at Vincent is barely being contained. Everything this guy did was rubbing him the wrong way, the 'handling the child' didn't need to be voiced, it was obvious enough. And the purposeful exclusion of him in the list just made him bristle, compliments about Marlow weren't going to soothe things over, Martin knew what buttering up was.

If the guy didn't want his help with his stupid spell then he'd very much like to take his magic and go help his team or anyone else rather than sit here and be looked down on.

Lucas's words do catch the attention of the fuming young mage, who is doing everything to keep all that magic in and from sparking violently as it usually did in anger. But despite listening to Lucas, Martin doesn't tear his cold glare away from Vincent. The guy was worse than Marlow warned. "I promise I'll watch out for your body too," he nods, knowing the man was really doing his best to smooth things out.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 07:11 am UTC (link)
"You can trust Martin." Mind reading wasn't her worry. It was the demon Cousin Nick said she had inside. So far benign, but who knew when or if that would ever change?

She gave Martin a half smile and a nod. Ignore Vincent. We have a job to do. This is what we trained for and we can do this. Magic first. Volcano later.

"I'm ready when you are, Lucas."

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 07:15 am UTC (link)
Lucas nods, going and getting his medicine bag, and leaving some unnecessary things behind. When he returns, he draws his simple circle on the ground, and lays out a bowl of scented herbs - which he lights, putting off a sweet smelling smoke in the immediate area. That done, he then invites Marlow within, first decorating his own arms, shoulders and face with blessed dyes, and then giving Marlow mirroring marks, to help strengthen the bond.

"Alright, just lie down and relax. You're not going to fall asleep entirely - but this should temporarily help you into a state of waking dreaming."

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 06:25 pm UTC (link)
Martin sighs and looks dejected, she was right. But this guy was really annoying. Okay...but other dimension and bubbling one.

One more sigh and glare at Vincent, then Martin turns his attention to what Lucas is doing. Marlow was very right, people like this didn't deserve your attention. And even that green hair doctor guy said he should work on not letting people bother him. Besides, the FF guy had an action figure. Real sorcerers didn't have action figures, and the FF was about sciencey stuff. If you did magic you were supposed to do magic and not mix other stuff much at all or your magic suffered. No, this guy certainly wasn't worth attention, only reason he was getting any now was because of one divination ability he couldn't even break down into steps for others properly when he needed their help. Hmph, well ignore he shall and send any questions he had through Lucas.

So he pointedly makes his disc spin so he's not facing the wannabe guy and instead focusing on Lucas and Marlow, he had promised to look after their bodies after all.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 10:05 pm UTC (link)
Asleif readied her own portions. "I art ready."

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-05 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Marlow watched Lucas with interest, ritual magic was always fascinating, and made herself comfortable at his request.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-06 12:36 am UTC (link)
Lucas deals mostly in ritual when he can, being stronger with it than off-the-cuff magic. In his specialties, he's one of the most capable here - he just doesn't begin to approach the versatility of any of them.
The spell, and the smoke from the herbs should help Marlow ease into the dream state, while Lucas sits down cross-legged, stepping out of his body, and into her dream, touching her mind even as he goes astral, and his body goes entirely still.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-10 06:51 pm UTC (link)
It takes some consideration, and a great many runes being marked out in a circle, but Vincent is eventually satisfied with a configuration. With Lucas and Strange's apprentices keeping things secure, he positions himself, Asleif, and Akilah at the center of the array. Akilah was an excellent generalist, and Asleif's power (both in source and application) would be the most compatible with his own. He seats himself at the center of the array and begins focusing.

Divination is tricky, even when you've got a Skyfather (albeit a sleeping one) backing you up. Blocking against scrying or tracking spells is just common sense, but his work in the sciences has granted Vincent an uncommon sense of perspective. Along with reaching out in the standard three physical dimensions to locate their quarry, the channeling reaches out in the fourth and fifth as well. Tracking it through time allows them to pinpoint it's path if it is blocked in the present, and get a general shape of where it may be going. Tracking it across reality proofs the channeling's effectiveness against the target having been changed in any severe way from their general understanding of it.

The power of the array begins to thrum, in time with Vincent's own pulse, as he starts connecting himself and his energy to those he is working with. While not as potent or as easily recognized as the Odinforce, mortals have their own spark, the soul's own version of a pulse, and all those present begin to fall into step with it, as the spell builds up energy, preparing to release it in what would probably be compared to a massive burst of magical sonar, followed by a homing missile.

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