Re: Piercing the Veil
Martin sighs and looks dejected, she was right. But this guy was really annoying. Okay...but other dimension and bubbling one.
One more sigh and glare at Vincent, then Martin turns his attention to what Lucas is doing. Marlow was very right, people like this didn't deserve your attention. And even that green hair doctor guy said he should work on not letting people bother him. Besides, the FF guy had an action figure. Real sorcerers didn't have action figures, and the FF was about sciencey stuff. If you did magic you were supposed to do magic and not mix other stuff much at all or your magic suffered. No, this guy certainly wasn't worth attention, only reason he was getting any now was because of one divination ability he couldn't even break down into steps for others properly when he needed their help. Hmph, well ignore he shall and send any questions he had through Lucas.
So he pointedly makes his disc spin so he's not facing the wannabe guy and instead focusing on Lucas and Marlow, he had promised to look after their bodies after all.
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