Re: Piercing the Veil
There's a slight twitch as Martin looks up to glare at Vincent. His eyes aren`t glowing like before but instead of the usual hazel they're a unusually bright blue. The annoyance at Vincent is barely being contained. Everything this guy did was rubbing him the wrong way, the 'handling the child' didn't need to be voiced, it was obvious enough. And the purposeful exclusion of him in the list just made him bristle, compliments about Marlow weren't going to soothe things over, Martin knew what buttering up was.
If the guy didn't want his help with his stupid spell then he'd very much like to take his magic and go help his team or anyone else rather than sit here and be looked down on.
Lucas's words do catch the attention of the fuming young mage, who is doing everything to keep all that magic in and from sparking violently as it usually did in anger. But despite listening to Lucas, Martin doesn't tear his cold glare away from Vincent. The guy was worse than Marlow warned. "I promise I'll watch out for your body too," he nods, knowing the man was really doing his best to smooth things out.
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