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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-21 10:50:00

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Entry tags:brandr, cosmopolitan, svalin

I Followed My Small Destiny With Valor
Svalin didn't sleep during the night as she never could sleep on the eve of battle. Instead she waited with armor and Vigfrior ready. This would be the toughest battle of her life so far and though she knew she'd lose, she wouldn't go down without putting up a fight. She didn't know when she would be whisked away, but she would be prepared for when it did happen.

One moment she was in the small bungalow she shared with her wife, son and Brandr and the next was at the base of Yggdrasil.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 08:32 pm UTC (link)
"It has been established that we have very different senses of 'fine,'" Vernique says flatly.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 08:44 pm UTC (link)
No comment from Brandr still. It wasn't his place to voice his opinion on what was 'fine' here or not. Especially not now. Besides, this had a tinge of marital dispute to it.

So he does what any Crimson Hawk is good at, standing to the side and not drawing attention to himself while on duty.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 08:49 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, but it ist a burden I must bear as a part of the deal I made to keep Solver safe. It ist nothing I cannot handle."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 09:42 pm UTC (link)
"Bleeding out twice a year isn't enough? She's got to psychologically torture you?"

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 10:14 pm UTC (link)
Svalin sighed. "It ist a reminder to what couldst be and the importance of keeping Solver safe. Aye, it ist not pleasant to watch, but if I must do it to keep Solver safe I wilt do it a million times."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"...I know you would, hon."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 10:40 pm UTC (link)
The on-duty mask slips and Brandr shoots Svalin a concerned look from his position. He understands her determination, and that nothing is going to, or should, dissuade her. But still, unpleasant experience was putting it mildly here and it didn't mean he wasn't concerned, there was just nothing that could be done.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-03 10:55 pm UTC (link)
"I agreed to the price that wast to be paid and I wilt pay it. No matter the cost and no matter the price. I wilt not compromise mine honor."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-04 12:18 am UTC (link)
Vernique looks down. "Then the issue is tabled, hon. More cocoa?"

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-04 05:49 pm UTC (link)
"More would be lovely," Svalin said. "Brandr, wouldst thou care for some?"

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-04 10:40 pm UTC (link)
He'd stayed silent until addressed then put on a smile and bowed his head slightly. "Aye, that wouldst be appreciated. Thank thee."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-04 11:19 pm UTC (link)
And Vernique pours for them both. "Here you go."

The issue was tabled, since Svalin would just repeat the same talking point indefinitely.

But it was not fine.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-04 11:32 pm UTC (link)
Svalin sighed. "Thank thee."

Her wife was upset and lately it seemed Svalin was really good at putting her in that state. Svalin felt like she completely failed at this marriage thing when her wife was upset. Battle was easier and Svalin wondered how her three parents made marriage work so well.

"Ist there something thou wouldst like to do today?"

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 12:15 am UTC (link)
"I think the best thing is for you to have some extra time with Solver. How about you take him out for his sun time? Do you need a nap first?"

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 12:19 am UTC (link)
Svalin shook her head. "Nay. I doth not need to sleep." She didn't want to sleep any time soon. She knew the nightmares would come and she'd rather wait a bit before having to deal with them.

Even as dense as she could be at times, Svalin got the message that her wife needed some time away from dealing with her and this...thing.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 12:55 am UTC (link)
"Thank thee milady," Brandr nods to Vernique as he accepts the hot chocolate.

"If Lady Svalin doth need sleep I assure you milady I wilt make sure she returns for rest," he bows. Though it's more to reassure Lady Vernique than anything. He'd encourage rest if he felt she needed it but at the end of the day Svalin was as resolute as anyone and it would come down to that.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 01:22 am UTC (link)
"I trust you. You should go with her for Solver's sun-time. I need to make business calls and stuff." She gives Svalin another hug and then leaves the room.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 01:35 am UTC (link)
Svalin returned the hug and watched her wife leave. Once she was out of the room Svalin sighed heavily and wished her hot chocolate was mead.

"Battle ist easier than marriage," she said to no one in particular.

"I doth suspect that Solver wilt be waking soon," she said to Brandr.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Battle is easier than many things in life," he says simply.

"Aye, the young lord doth not sleep much. I art sure he wilt be to see thee," Brandr smiles gently. Nothing he can do about their marital problems but ease any concerns about Solver's safety by just being around.

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 01:49 am UTC (link)
"Aye," Svalin agreed. She frowned. "I art good at causing mine wife much distress. It doth be a talent I hath developed."

"It wilt be good to see him. Seeing him doth lessen mine worries."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 02:10 am UTC (link)
"There art many a man and woman who hath developed just that talent," he smiles reassuringly. "It ist nothing new nor something thou shouldst punish thyself over."

Brandr nods and finally an amused smile slips out. "He doth enjoy thine yule present very much it seems."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-05 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Mayhap, but she ist mortal and ist not used to things that we find normal or acceptable. I doth not make things easier for her with mine actions. It ist not easy to know someone you doth love wilt die."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-06 02:50 am UTC (link)
"Aye. But the lady must find comfort in the fact that thou art reborn each time. Thou may die but ye art not gone from this world forever."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-06 02:56 am UTC (link)
"It ist not only the dying, but the torture, as she calls it, of watching what wilt be if Solver ist not safe. I doth tend to focus on it. When Lord Odin didst tell us about Solver, he told us mine son couldst be the doom of Asgard and Migard. I hadst nightmares and couldst not think of anything else."

Svalin shook her head. "I art the goddess of hope, but I dwell on the bad things that couldst happen instead of the positive. That ist what she ist worried about as well as the dying."

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Re: The Next Morning
2013-01-07 02:13 am UTC (link)
Brandr nods understandingly. "Aye, thine wife has a point. Little canst be accomplished by dwelling on that which we hath little control over." He gives her a smile and continues. "Mine father hath always been of the opinion life shouldst be enjoyed and not spent on brooding upon the bad. Mayhap thou needs more things to enjoy and focus on. Come, let's find the young lord. No boy shouldst be left without a chance to wield his new sword."

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Re: The Next Morning - [info]shield_maiden, 2013-01-07 02:28 am UTC
Re: The Next Morning - [info]dashingly, 2013-01-08 04:30 am UTC
Re: The Next Morning - [info]shield_maiden, 2013-01-08 08:38 pm UTC

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