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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-21 10:50:00

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Entry tags:brandr, cosmopolitan, svalin

I Followed My Small Destiny With Valor
Svalin didn't sleep during the night as she never could sleep on the eve of battle. Instead she waited with armor and Vigfrior ready. This would be the toughest battle of her life so far and though she knew she'd lose, she wouldn't go down without putting up a fight. She didn't know when she would be whisked away, but she would be prepared for when it did happen.

One moment she was in the small bungalow she shared with her wife, son and Brandr and the next was at the base of Yggdrasil.

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2012-12-29 04:48 am UTC (link)
Seeing the leap, the Nidhogg swings a clawed foreleg at her, trying to snap her out of the air.

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2012-12-29 07:02 pm UTC (link)
Claws wrapped around her, tearing through armor and skin as they did. Svalin tried to strike at the dragon's foot and get away.

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2012-12-31 01:03 am UTC (link)
The sword digs in, and for a moment it seems as if it may let go - and instead tries to fight through it and tighten its grip.

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2012-12-31 01:09 am UTC (link)
Svalin found it very hard to breathe between the noxious breath and the claws tightening around her. The point of a claw pierced her armor and pain spiked as it sank into flesh.

She screamed from the pain and tried desperately to sink her sword into dragon flesh.

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2012-12-31 01:13 am UTC (link)
That extra effort is too much for the dragon, but rather than simply letting go, he does so with velocity, throwing Svalin at the network of roots.

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2012-12-31 01:22 am UTC (link)
Svalin crashed into the roots. They did not give way to the thrown Asgardian and pain spiked in every part of her body. Blood flowed freely out of the wound caused by Nidhogg's claw.

Svalin lay still until the pain subsided a little. She threw aside her shield and used her left hand to cover the wound. Blood flowed out through her fingers. She struggled to get to her feet.

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2012-12-31 01:23 am UTC (link)
The Nidhogg roars, and then dives at her, opening its maw, trying to bite at her.

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2012-12-31 01:25 am UTC (link)
There was no way she was going to get out of the way. She brought her sword up and struck as soon as the maw was close enough. This was probably the death blow, but she would go out fighting as a warrior would.

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2012-12-31 01:33 am UTC (link)
Darkness closes in, and a new scenario opens.

Svalin stands high above the battlefield, as if upon a cloud. Far below her, Asgard burns, the rainbow bridge is shattered, and in the distance, nightmare scenes play out as Earth, and many other worlds besides become battlegrounds between winter, darkness and fire. The mortals must bow before new masters, or die in droves.

Demons run rampant throughout the voids between dimensions. Dark sorceries wend their way through everything.

And familiar voices speak around her, the ghostly images of the Norns watching with her.

"And now that the young Goddess has experienced the death of the body, the true trial begins, in experiencing the death of the world - the death of hope. You will be reborn on the morrow, lady Goddess... but this eve, you will spend experiencing the world as it will be if hope falters. And this, this you will remember."

As their voices fade, a new one rises... the howl of a great wolf - the shadow becoming visible as the Fenris, its jaws still dripping with the blood of the All-Father, his chains broken to merely the length of a leash - the other end being held by a dark prince, ringed in flames.

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2012-12-31 01:41 am UTC (link)
Svalin watched the nightmare and tears started to fall from her eyes.

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2012-12-31 01:56 am UTC (link)
She spends the night like a ghost, watching scenario after scenario unfold.

Only with the next sunrise will she wake, back in California, her armor and sword unbloodied and whole, but the memories all too real.

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