Entry tags: | aleks childress, aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, antaeus, argo, armadillo jr., brad hill, buck rogers, eric phillips, fred mccoy, gabriel worthington, griffen o'niell, jack murdock, jack power, jordan bochs, joshua hoskins, kael, mac rider, mason jeffries, misha loganovich, plot-"rate the babe", shane ostrum, tim dugan, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin |
A Holiday Tradition - Rate the Babe! (yes, finally)
So, Anya talked him into hosting this year... so Avengers Mansion is all set up for a proper party in the main lounge. Extra couches set around the giant screen, plenty of food - ranging from the chips and soda to the pretzels and beer.
The front doors are left watched, but open, and invitations have been sent out to the guys on all the teams the Avengers are in contact with... so... potentially a lot of people.
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