Shopping! (Vernique, Jazz, Lyta, Toni, Sunny)
The annual Maria Stark Winter Charity Ball was coming up and Anya didn't have a thing to wear. Sure she had a closet full of evening gowns, but she couldn't wear one of those. She had to have a new one, not to mention her sister needed a dress. That only meant one thing. A shopping trip. Not just any shopping trip, but a worldwide one.
She sent out invites to Vernique, Toni and Lyta. It would be a shopping trip like the ones they used to have before their lives got busy.
She had the Stark plane readied and had Sunny make the hotel reservations. London, Paris and Milan were on the agenda for this trip. Sunny of course could come if he wanted to. Anya found that she couldn't live without the man.
When it was time she headed for JFK and the waiting jet.
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