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shield_legacy ([info]shield_legacy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-09 22:43:00

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Entry tags:aleks childress, alice dugan, jack power, joshua hoskins, lena jessen, sammy fury, tim dugan

Deck the Lab
The labrats, Tim included, loved the holidays. At least the ones where they were allowed to decorate. They had a ton of decorations and they took a day to decorate the lab. This year was no exception. The lab was decorated to the hilt. They had a fireplace, with a real fire, a recliner and a Christmas tree in the middle. They even had holographic projections to turn the lab into Santa's Workshop. Snow fell all around the lab and went from flakes directly to gas, not leaving any water anywhere.

They even had a remote controlled Santa with sleigh and reindeer flying around the lab. Once in awhile it would buzz close to someone's head and then zip away. All of the labrats wore santa hats or elf ears. Humorous Christmas songs played on the sound system.

Someone had even put some mistletoe over the main entrance to the lab.

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2012-12-11 03:26 am UTC (link)
"Hmm, always nice to have a debriefing. Well I will be helping you out in the kitchen, sitting back and letting you do all the work is no fun you know." Plus she'd feel bad about it, being spoiled and having others do everything for her wasn't something that she'd get used to. "And anyway, take it as a chance to impress me some more with your cooking skills in action," she winked.

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