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nextgen_adult ([info]nextgen_adult) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-02 23:30:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, eric phillips, iron dragon, jenny woolverton, nicholas salem, npc - akantha, plot-"eve of destruction", team - champions

Calling for Some Help (Champions)
Slowly news of the theft of the Quantum Mirror reached Akantha and she knew that it could be behind the erratic behavior of some of the world's super heroes. She booked a flight and then she was on the plane to New Orleans to visit the Champions.

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2012-12-17 12:57 am UTC (link)
Nick nods. He knows she remembers what happened to her father. And it seems like good advice anyway. This is important - and the compass may do the job fine.

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2012-12-17 02:30 am UTC (link)
Corey's fine with non-rider ways, too, certainly. "Okay. So.."

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2012-12-17 06:54 pm UTC (link)
"So, somebody turn that thing on and let's get on with it. If you haven't noticed, the atmosphere in here makes your skin crawl. There's something in the air."

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2012-12-17 06:59 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah this place is really weird," Eric says, "Like some crazy scary museum."

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2012-12-17 08:24 pm UTC (link)
"Egypt is lovely this time of year," Akantha said. "If we're ready, Irina can take me home and you guys can get started."

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2012-12-17 08:34 pm UTC (link)
"I don't really mind it here... which might say something. Yeah, good to go."

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2012-12-17 10:10 pm UTC (link)
Irina created a portal. "Next stop...not Egypt."

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