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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-02 19:16:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, anya stark, armadillo jr., bea dayspring, crosshairs, guardian, martin baum, plot-"eve of destruction", sunny saldano, team - thunderbolts

It was a day full of meetings and scheduled phone calls. As always. Anya looked at the clock and had twenty minutes before her next meeting. Just enough time to head down to the cafeteria and grab something to eat. She was starving and needed some caffeine. She had too much blood in her caffeine stream. She hated it when that happened.

She stood up and left the office heading for the cafeteria.

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2012-12-14 12:36 am UTC (link)
Martin nods. "That's good. Bea wants me to teleport us back." There's a slight pause as he notices the accent has gone down. "But umm...if you want a moment to fix the accent before we get back to the others I can wait."

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2012-12-14 12:50 am UTC (link)
She smiled, just a little. "I appreciate zat. Let us go."

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2012-12-14 12:58 am UTC (link)
"Alright." He conjures up a disc under her and teleports them both back to the others.

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2012-12-16 09:19 pm UTC (link)
Manny just quietly does as he's asked. This whole situation..he was really out of his element here.

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