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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-11-26 16:18:00

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Entry tags:marlow, martin baum, plot-"what if", vincent vernard

AU meme: Errands galore
Martin adjusts his hat and grins. They were going to visit Dr. Strange! He didn't get to go to Earth's dimension often, and there was so much fun to do with magic. Even better? Clea would be escorting them there which meant for the first few days? Lots of long errands (which they generally ignored) and no supervision!

Translation: fun magic time.

What should we start with? I hope we stay long enough to finish our fun stuff to-do list.

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2012-11-26 07:16 pm UTC (link)
Did you remember to bring the list? Because the fun stuff list was long and usually involved additional ideas for each one.

Marlow kept smiling so Clea wouldn't catch on to what they were up to. The last thing they needed was a pair of grumpy adults who couldn't send them on long errands because they had to be watched.

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2012-11-26 07:30 pm UTC (link)
Yep! It's in the hat! I hope we get to finish some stuff we missed last time.

Martin keeps his smile from looking too excited and suspicious, he didn't want the adults to stop fun magic times. In fact, he manages to keep from bouncing from excitement all through the teleport, greetings, and the PDA followed by the two of them being shooed away for some errand that they clearly weren't going to be asked to show evidence they did.

Let's go let's go let's go! He's literally bouncing now once the distracted adults are occupied with other things.

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2012-11-26 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Marlow bounces with him! Where to first? The zoo? The volcano? Hunt for voodoo queens or demons first? Or lunch?

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2012-11-26 07:49 pm UTC (link)
Martin stops bouncing long enough to consider what to do. How about...lunch on a volcano with voodoo queens? They can talk to us while we eat! And then we'll go to the zoo and have ice cream! Or the other way around? I wonder if there's such thing as a demon zoo?

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2012-11-26 08:01 pm UTC (link)
Back home maybe, but I don't know about here. Let's have ice cream at the zoo! Then we can go check out volcanos!

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2012-11-26 08:22 pm UTC (link)
Perfect! I haven't been to a zoo in foreeeeeever. Maybe we can find you a pet there. And then maybe find a demon-infested volcano!

Who wants to do the teleport?

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2012-11-26 08:33 pm UTC (link)
Better let me. He was very good but when he got excited they sometimes overshot their mark. Like the Savage Land Incident, and those three dimensions they weren't allowed to see again.

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2012-11-26 09:26 pm UTC (link)
But the Savage Land incident had been extremely fun in his opinion, maybe next time he'd 'accidentally' teleport them there again. He still didn't get why they were so made about those three dimensions.

Okay. But can I do one later? Please?

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2012-11-27 03:58 pm UTC (link)
You do the next one! By then the excitement should have worn off enough and leave the fun.

In two blinks, they were in the middle of Central Park Zoo in front of the sea lion pool.

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2012-11-27 04:04 pm UTC (link)

Martin grins when they arrive and stands on his tip toes to see over the other people at what the sea lions were doing. Oh this just wouldn't do. So he conjures up a disc and sits on it, letting it levitate him over the barrier to see float above the confused sea lions and see them up close. "You can see them much better this way!"

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2012-11-27 05:52 pm UTC (link)
Marlow hurried to cast an cloaking spell over Martin. She could just hear Clea blame her if the zoo people got upset because Martin wanted a closer look.

As usual, she forgot to cloak the noise and ended up talking to 'empty air'.

"Are they really big?"

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2012-11-27 07:17 pm UTC (link)
Having not studied under Dr. Strange and not had the time screw up adventure, Martin did actually look his age. It was probably a good thing he had Marlow around for supervision of sorts. A barely 14 year old sitting on a disc and grinning at sea lions would attract attention. Though there were still a lot of people looking around confused at voices cheerfully babbling without a source.

"They are kinda! Come see!" A blue disc is conjured under her in case she wanted it. He tended to forget that on Earth people stared a lot at magic.

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2012-11-27 07:55 pm UTC (link)
Martin's discs were really cool, and a spell Marlow couldn't replicate so well. Once it was done, however, she could direct it at will.

It rose while she sat down to dangle her legs over the edge. In a minute she was hovering near Martin and gazing down at the poor confused sea lions. The crowd surrounding the pool heard voices and looked around for the source, but it was New York. They were used to weird and unusual.

"They have such funny whiskers."

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2012-11-27 07:58 pm UTC (link)
"They do," he agreed with a nod though it couldn't be seen. The poor sea lions could hear the conversation above them but see nothing. "But I don't think they'd make very good pets. We don't have any pools for them to live in and their whiskers would get tangled."

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2012-11-28 07:41 am UTC (link)
"Clea is really unreasonable about the pets." Marlow peered down at the funny face looking around. Human voices so close must mean feeding time, right? "I think we could handle one."

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2012-11-28 08:03 am UTC (link)
"She is," he agrees. "Maybe we could find a pet she'd like too? Then maybe we'd get to have a pet! We'd take great care of it, and maybe it can come on our adventures." Because why not have a pet sidekick?

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2012-11-28 05:02 pm UTC (link)
"That's what we can do while we're here! We'll find a pet to take home! Something cuddly. What do they have cuddly here?"

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2012-11-28 05:23 pm UTC (link)
"Oh lots of things! There's..." He stops to consider this now. It'd been years since he'd lived in this dimension and they weren't memories he thought about much. What animals were there in zoos? Hmmm... "Well there's cats. Like lions and tigers and cheetahs! But we'll get a small one. We can't name a mini tiger Hoggoth though, I don't think he'd like it. Oh and there's pandas! Black ones and red ones! Maybe we should visit them all and pick? They're all fluffy. Maybe a bear..."

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2012-11-28 06:29 pm UTC (link)
"A RED PANDA!" Her voice from the seemingly empty space echoed over the heads of the crowd. Some began to move on in a hurry. Some tugged their children along.

"Let's find a red panda! They're so cute and they live in trees. We'll find him some trees. He can have a tree house!"

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2012-11-28 06:36 pm UTC (link)
"Yes!" He bounces invisibly on the spot, completely ignoring that they were emptying out the sea lion pool. At least the sea lions would get some peace soon.

"We can build a magic tree house! And put all our cool protection spells and he can come on adventures with us and he can even sit in my hat!" The perfect pet! Clea could only love their ingenuity. "Let's go find one!"

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2012-11-28 06:54 pm UTC (link)
"Let's find the panda cage!"

The blue disc took off and she clung to it. In her excitement, she forgot it had no seat belts.

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2012-11-28 06:56 pm UTC (link)
His own blue disc took off right after her, being his own discs he was used to the no seat belts bit and was more stable. "Race you!" Invicible magic disc racing to a panda cage? That hadn't been specified under: magic things not to do. Besides, it was harmless fun.

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2012-11-28 07:04 pm UTC (link)
Pretty harmless, unless you couldn't those tall people that couldn't see them to duck out of the way.

They'd only ruffled a few hats. They didn't actually hit anyone.

She got to the cage a second after Martin, using the fence wall to stop herself. "Is there a red one?!"

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2012-11-28 07:07 pm UTC (link)
"I win!" He would've tried some mini victory fireworks but he didn't want to scare off any potential pets. "I don't know, I can't see because of the trees. Should we go inside to check?"

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2012-11-28 07:33 pm UTC (link)
"We won't know until we do. We'll stay invisible so we don't scare them."

Because having something around an animal could smell and hear but not see was SO reassuring...

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(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-11-28 07:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-11-28 08:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-11-28 08:35 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-11-29 06:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-11-29 07:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-11-29 04:13 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-11-29 04:24 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-11-29 07:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-11-29 07:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-11-30 07:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-11-30 07:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-03 03:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-03 03:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-03 03:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-03 04:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-03 04:19 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-03 04:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-03 06:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-03 07:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-03 07:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-04 02:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-04 07:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-04 12:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-04 03:46 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-05 07:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-05 05:04 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-07 08:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-08 12:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-08 05:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-12 07:58 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2012-12-13 05:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-12-13 06:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2012-12-21 01:48 am UTC

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