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ng_brotherhood ([info]ng_brotherhood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
GAabriella has used the chaos to infiltrate the police, working her way up the command chain. She has plans, oh yes, she has plans.

First, when she has some privacy, she radios her own team, giving the Brotherhood their marching orders.
"When the Church of Humanity sentinels and all have the X-Men on the ropes, switch sides and help them. Xavier and his soft-heart brigade may have their issues... but its more important that once they're good and fighting mad, that there's sentinel bits... lots and lots of sentinel bits, amidst the wreckage and hurt people. Make sure those robots fall, and hard - after there's some collateral damage."

Once that's done, she gets on dispatch. "We're getting reports, those robots supposedly 'helping' quell the mutants are firing on civilians. Evacuate civilians and let the muties and the robots fight it out... and after this, I want some people picked up for questioning."

She starts listing off known Church of Humanity members.

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