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shield_legacy ([info]shield_legacy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-24 22:23:00

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Entry tags:lena jessen, tim dugan

It's All About Wording (open)
It had taken some time to figure out exactly how to do this, but it all came down to the wording. Tim didn't lie on the requisition form, he did need a cooling unit in the lab since there were chemicals and things that needed to stay cool or they would go boom, but the cooling unit wasn't exactly a typical lab type of cooling unit. With the newly renovated lab space there was enough room for Tim to finally have space for what he had been dreaming about for some time now.

On the Purchase Rec it was a cooling unit. In actuality it was way more than that. The rec went in through the normal channels and got approved. A few weeks later it was delivered and Tim had set it up in the lab. One side for beer and one side for those things that would go boom. He had put those things that go boom in there and had put some of his own brewed beer in it.

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2012-10-27 09:57 pm UTC (link)
"I meant it," he said. "Besides, I like talking to you. You're a great person."

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2012-10-27 10:02 pm UTC (link)
"I was teasing you," she laughed and gave him a playful whack on the shoulder. "And the feeling is mutual. I wouldn't be inviting you to the sacred lab space if it wasn't."

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2012-10-27 10:14 pm UTC (link)
"Ow," he said and rubbed the spot she whacked. It didn't hurt, but he could tease right back. Tim smiled. "I know we're coworkers, but I'd like to think we're friends as well."

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2012-10-27 10:18 pm UTC (link)
She rolled her eyes but smiled, knowing he was just teasing. "You wound me Tim," she teased. "Here I thought that was already established."

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2012-10-27 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"I just wanted to be clear," he said. "I usually don't do well with women." As would be quite evident with his inability to do something about the thing with Sammy.

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2012-10-27 10:26 pm UTC (link)
"I'm aware," she smirked. "But practice makes perfect as they say and you'll only improve. You're a smart guy, I'm sure you can figure out how to talk to women."

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2012-10-27 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"Thanks, Lena. I appreciate it."

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2012-10-27 10:32 pm UTC (link)
"No problem. I should stop bothering you so some work can get done around here. Thanks for the taste test Tim."

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2012-10-27 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"Wait," he said and went into the cooler to grab another bottle. "Take one with you." He gave her a smile.

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2012-10-27 10:37 pm UTC (link)
"If anyone asks, this is just more ethanol in my lab," she jokes then gives him a sincere smile as she takes the bottle. "Thanks Tim." Tim really was a sweetheart.

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2012-10-27 10:40 pm UTC (link)
Tim gave her a knowing grin. "Ethanol for the lab," he said and gave her a wink. "You're welcome."

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2012-10-27 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"It's very important for a lab. Some people have giant coolers for it," she smirks back at him as she leaves. "See you Tim!"

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2012-10-27 10:55 pm UTC (link)
"See you later, Lena." He gave her a wave. Time to get back to work.

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