It's All About Wording (open)
It had taken some time to figure out exactly how to do this, but it all came down to the wording. Tim didn't lie on the requisition form, he did need a cooling unit in the lab since there were chemicals and things that needed to stay cool or they would go boom, but the cooling unit wasn't exactly a typical lab type of cooling unit. With the newly renovated lab space there was enough room for Tim to finally have space for what he had been dreaming about for some time now.
On the Purchase Rec it was a cooling unit. In actuality it was way more than that. The rec went in through the normal channels and got approved. A few weeks later it was delivered and Tim had set it up in the lab. One side for beer and one side for those things that would go boom. He had put those things that go boom in there and had put some of his own brewed beer in it.
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