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Jazz Stark ([info]junoslace) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-24 21:24:00

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Entry tags:buck rogers, frances barton, griffen o'niell, jack murdock, jazz stark, team - avengers, toni rhodes

Time for Jazz to meet her future team mates.

 She had slept alright the night before and the bed was more comfortable then her own. Now she was freshened up and ready to face the day in her favorite beige pants, purple button up top, black shoes and winning Stark grin. This was how her Tony taught her to take on new situations. She wanted to make a good first impression on what might be a team of people that she would be working with plus it was the Avengers, all her father ever talked about and her dream team.   She headed down to the rec room and hoped she wasn’t late.

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2012-10-25 10:26 pm UTC (link)
She looked him over again trying to see Trevor in him somewhere but she couldn't. She never thought what she was doing through, even if she did make it to her dads real universe Trevor and J.J wouldn't have been there with her since their parents where from a different world. Where would they have gone? She brought herself out of her memories so he didn't think she was a space cadet.

"Nice to meet you. Um yes I'm the one Kal brought in. She's very nice by the way." Which he probably knew already. She clasped her hands behind her back in lack of anything to do with them.

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2012-10-25 10:29 pm UTC (link)
He nods. "Yeah, she mentioned you, and I got what details I could. Eventually, we'll need to figure out what all you need to get caught up on, but for now, welcome. You've gotten the tour?"

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2012-10-25 10:33 pm UTC (link)
Toni had, between classes and other stuff (a couple of grade-z super-villains trying to rob a bank while she was on her way back to the Mansion), somehow managed to miss the memo about the extra-dimensional arrival.

So when she came into the rec room, still somehow only managed to take her twenty seconds to size up the situation.

"Oh, hell no."

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2012-10-25 11:00 pm UTC (link)
She was going to reply to Buck when Toni entered the room and expressed her dislike over something. Her face paled and she took a few steps away from Buck hoping she wasn't to close in case those too were dating. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too.." She didn't know what to do aside from keep her distance and suit up and fly away if things got bad.

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2012-10-25 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Buck can't help but grin. "Just relax. Toni is our specialist Stark-sitter. Anya keeps her hands full. She's just seeing the family resemblance."

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2012-10-25 11:22 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not taking responsibility for another one," Toni said quickly.

More rational thoughts caught up her with. "...Is this a paternity test situation or a dimensional scanner situation?"

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2012-10-25 11:32 pm UTC (link)
She calmed knowing that the chances of the other lady punching her in the face dropped drasticly. Then it hit her. "Why do the Starks need a sitter?" Was there more about her family that she needed to know.

Paternity? Was he a player here too? "I'm extra-dimensional." Or so she was told.

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2012-10-25 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, no problems we know of. Despite having the same parents, sort of, she's not an Anya clone or anything. I think you're ok, Toni. And, erm, Anya is... her father's daughter a lot of the time."

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2012-10-26 12:09 am UTC (link)
"Starks are crazy, sometimes self-absorbed, reckless, workaholics, who are one lab accident away from super-villainy," Toni explained.

She allowed a smile. "Good people, though."

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2012-10-26 12:18 am UTC (link)
This Toni woman must really know really know the Starks since she summed up her and her father aside from the one lab accident away from super-villainy remark. She was sure she was at least three away. "I see your more then just a baby sitter." She had to be very close with this sister of hers named Anya.

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2012-10-26 12:24 am UTC (link)
Buck sees the expressions, and is pretty sure he can sum this one up in a way most Starks are bound to get.

"Miss Stark... meet Toni Rhodes."

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2012-10-26 12:26 am UTC (link)
Toni smiled. "Anya and I have whatever the female equivalent of a bromance is."

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2012-10-26 12:49 am UTC (link)
She thankfully knew what a bromance was. She hoped. "Um, that sounds interesting." She was only close to Trevor and J.J and that was probably due to the fact that were raised together like a family.

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2012-10-26 01:20 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, she's the expert. Been working on keeping Anya out of trouble since they were little. Despite the fact, now, Anya has moved down to Boston, while Toni has stuck with the Avengers."

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2012-10-26 02:40 pm UTC (link)
"Aww, Toni has a new Stark to wrangle?" Frances chimed in, munching on chips from an open bag. She smirked at the newcomer and shook her head. "Just pulling her leg, really. It's fun to watch." She offered over the bag of chips, food always a good peace offering in case they were being overwhelming. "So you're with us? The more, the crazier. I'm Frances. You play cards?"

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2012-10-26 04:16 pm UTC (link)
"And this is our unbelievably cute combination spy/hotshot archer. Every team should have one."

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2012-10-26 09:46 pm UTC (link)
"We better tell the rest of them then," Toni said. "They're falling behind."

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2012-10-27 02:07 am UTC (link)
"Why would anyone want to leave the best in the world?" She asked before the new person entered.

"Hello Frances, I'm Jadzia." She took a chip since they were offered. She didn't do well with cards but she did make battle bots in her spare time. She decided it would be a better idea to let everyone keep talking since they were more comfortable with each other then she was at the moment.

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2012-10-27 11:03 am UTC (link)
"Jadzia, cool and welcome. Aww, ain't he a sweetie?" For such sweet talk, Bucky got offered the chip-bag too. She nodded to Toni about the others. "I'll see who I can rustle up. I think Orlen's off astralling in another plane, though." Leaving the bag there, she grinned before popping off to make the rounds.

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2012-10-27 11:47 am UTC (link)
Buck grins and accepts a couple chips. "Do my best. Anyway, I'm sure the others will be about eventually, but you're well on your way to having met the crew."

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2012-10-27 04:22 pm UTC (link)
"Are you joining the team, then?" Toni asked. "Or...?"

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2012-10-27 07:34 pm UTC (link)
She liked Frances. She seemed like a very low key person which made her very easy to get along with which was something she rarely runs into with other women. Toni sort of scared her since she was not used to her personality then again she was a shut in and not used to big personalities.

"I am hoping to be apart." She replied in a low voice. "Another universe hop would be unwise both physically and logically. I don't know this worlds tech and I don't know how to predict where I'll end up this time." Which was true. She wanted to regroup and think before she ever attempted another jump.

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2012-10-28 06:12 pm UTC (link)
And then comes Griffin. He is in a fairly good mood and hadn't expected a visitor. He is busily texting someone with a slow smug grin stretching across his features when he detects a hint odf something new.

"Oh. Hi?" He glances up looking around the room. "We have a visitor?"

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2012-10-28 09:53 pm UTC (link)
Jack paused on his way to drop his school bag off in his room. "New teammate?"

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2012-10-29 08:40 pm UTC (link)
More Avengers teammates, this day was getting more and more exciting. She waved to Griffin and to Jack when they came in. "I'm a visitor for now. I'm Jadzia Stark and it's nice to meet you."

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(no subject) - [info]treadlightly, 2012-10-29 10:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]toni_rhodes, 2012-10-29 10:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2012-10-30 03:40 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]junoslace, 2012-11-02 09:07 pm UTC

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