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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-12 20:25:00

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Entry tags:argo, clockwork, eric phillips, grogg, iron dragon, jenny woolverton, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", sunset, team - big hero 6, team - champions

From the mystic realm to reality
K'un-L'un, mystic city inhabited by the H'ylthri, was in a separate dimension and was only reached by magical means. Today Danny Rand, the Iron Fist, was trying to bring K'un-L'un into the real world and he was succeeding. The fabled city was entering the normal world and the ground shook. Shockwaves moved through the ground and spread out over most of Asia.

The tremors and the shaking of the ground disturbed the sleep of two powerful beasts. Fin Fang Foom and Godzilla were now waking.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-10-29 02:04 am UTC (link)
This time, he's had a moment to prepare, and time to feign being on the ropes. He extends the chains, held between both hands, trying to let the fist hit them, trying to entangle the extended arm in the hellfire forged black iron links.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-10-30 10:48 pm UTC (link)
And the arm does get caught. Iron Fist grabs his arm and tries to yank his arm free from the chains.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-10-30 11:25 pm UTC (link)
The chain develops spikes, links trying to dig in and hold, to go with him even as he pulls his arm free, the chains heating up as the hellfire around the Rider's hands increases, venting into the metal.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-07 02:14 am UTC (link)
Iron Fist snarls in pain. He grabs at the chains trying to yank them away.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-07 06:40 am UTC (link)
More and more chain is produced. The Rider lets him pull at it, lashing the chain to try and entangle his foe while he's yanking at it.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-13 10:00 pm UTC (link)
Iron Fist manages to duck out of the way of the other parts of the chain. He can only keep this up for so long before the Rider fully entangles him.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-16 06:22 am UTC (link)
He's only going to get so many chances at this. He caught the martial artist by surprise. The Rider may be far stronger and tougher, but Iron Fist is faster and better trained. He's well aware he needs to make this work - or he may not get another chance.

He keeps the chain moving, his other hand lashing out with a burst of hellfire as added destruction - hoping, between them, they distract Iron Fist from the demon bike speeding towards him from behind.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-19 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Ghost Rider is right. He only has one chance to finish this or the fight could keep going for a very long time. The hell fire is enough of a distraction.

Ghost Rider can win this.

In that moment the man with a fist of iron stumbles into the path of the motorcycle.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-20 12:24 am UTC (link)
He doesn't need to be riding to control his bike. The only warning is the last instant roar of the engine as the demon bike bears down on the martial artist.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-26 05:41 pm UTC (link)
And Iron Fist is hit by the motor cycle. He gets pulled to the ground by the chain tangled around his arm tripping him up too.

He is loosing the ability to fight back as getting hit broke several bones too.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-26 06:52 pm UTC (link)
The chains hook themselves to the back of the bike, while the spikes dig in all they can, dragging Iron Fist behind the bike over rough terrain, taking hard fishtail turns to smash him into the rocks.

Only when the fight seems to go out of him does the demon bike bring him back to the Rider, reaching a hand for Iron Fist's throat, and turning his head to face him.

"Now, let's see what sort of sins you've accrued."

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-28 07:54 pm UTC (link)
This isn't the Iron Fist that Rose would claim as her Father. This one is a dark reflection of the one that this world knows.

Everything Danny Rand has done in this world that was good is balanced by something Very Wrong that this Iron Fist has done. This man is evil.

He has let places burn to the ground. He has killed for his own gain. Instead of protecting the Earth he seeks to take it over for the Celestial City of K'un-L'un. He thinks it is the right thing.

Might makes right.

Yet he is so wrong about that.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-28 07:59 pm UTC (link)
And all of those memories, Nick adds to the visions in his head of the collected works of evil men. The ones he'll see in his dreams, in his memories, as if they were his own.

But even worse still is the fate for Iron Fist, as he meets the Rider's gaze, and the flames seem to intensify - as the penance stare shifts the perspective, letting Iron Fist experience all of his own sins as the victim, feeling himself burn, feeling himself killed and discarded, feeling the pain of his own sins turned back a thousandfold.

Now, and for the rest of his breathing days, his existence now as Nick's eyes burn into Danny Rand's soul.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-28 08:09 pm UTC (link)
Danny tries to harden himself against what he is seeing. He tries to block it all out but he has no choice but to experience it all at once.

A lesser man would go truly mad from this. Instead Danny Rand will just feel as if he is marked by something else and never be able to get rid of these memories. He will also be aware it is his fault. Every single moment of this is at his feet alone.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-28 08:18 pm UTC (link)
Nick has to admit, the guy has an amazing will - most people just go into a coma. He's actually fighting it - or trying to.

"Old fashioned way then." He bashes Iron Fist upside the head to put him out. He could kill him - but that's not the Rider's job. He'll leave him to his nightmares, while he begins studying the area, trying to find out what Iron Fist has been up to, and if he can undo it ritually.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-28 08:34 pm UTC (link)
Sometimes brute force is best. Apparently that had he;d true for what Danny had been doing.

He had been punching things just the right way to force K'un-L'un to appear here. It is a very strange thing when someone can hit reality to get what they want.

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Re: Iron Fist
2012-11-28 08:45 pm UTC (link)
This is going to suck.

Nonetheless, its magic. He's not a spellcaster, but he's still an occultist and a Scratch, loathe though he is to admit it.

The Hellfire surges, licks of flame highlighting the damage done as he tries to reverse the ritual damage and burn away the intrusion and negate the chi energy put to use with pure hellfire.

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 04:39 pm UTC (link)
The damage starts to go away. Things start to settle down.

Then it looks like Iron Fist is cracking apart. He looks like a broken mirror. Then there is a flash of something and a very familiar Iron Fist is here.

"Ghost Rider? What am I doing here?"

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 05:03 pm UTC (link)
The Rider looks... no, only minor sins on this one. Not the same person at all.

"Someone who looked like you tried to meld this dimension and another. Its being fixed, but he woke up Foom."

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 05:07 pm UTC (link)
"What can I do to help," Danny says right away. It's second nature for him to offer for him to help.

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 05:10 pm UTC (link)
"We need to repair the rift. Look at the lines of chi." the Rider grates back.

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 05:16 pm UTC (link)
So Danny looks then moves. "I know how to fix this."

He motions to a spot opposite of him. "I need you to hit that spot the same time I hit this one. It will undo most of the damage."

Even with the hellfire but he doesn't need to say that. "On the count of three."

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 05:30 pm UTC (link)
No reason to doubt it, so the Rider just nods, and prepares.

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 05:53 pm UTC (link)
"One.... two.... three!"

And he strikes! Hopefully it is done at the same time or this will be that much more difficult.

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Re: Iron Fist
2013-01-05 06:55 pm UTC (link)
The Rider strikes with supernatural strength and hellfire at the same time as Iron Fist's strike. Easy enough.

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