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bio_nerd ([info]bio_nerd) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-03 19:21:00

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Entry tags:joshua hoskins, lena jessen

This. This is what happens when I leave the lab.
Carrying a rather large box with holes, Lena rushes through the hallway, walking at a very brisk pace and trying to catch that elevator just as it closes. Normally there was someone who did this part but they were out so she kept having to leave the lab to run around the place with things for the experiments.

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2012-10-03 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"Fun," she grumbled. At that moment there's noise and the sound of something being knocked over inside the plastic box. "Ugh no! Shoot, give me a sec to fix this." She lifts the lid to peek in and swears briefly. "Could you do me a favour and hold onto one I give you for a minute?"

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2012-10-03 11:25 pm UTC (link)
"Sure..what am I holding?" Josh asks warily.

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2012-10-03 11:30 pm UTC (link)
"Don't worry, they're cute." And aggressive, but she'd tell him that after. With gloved hands she reaches into the box, seems to try and catch something then stands up to hand Josh a deceptively innocent looking white mouse. "See? Cute as a button. Now don't let him loose please. Even if we are in an elevator."

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2012-10-03 11:34 pm UTC (link)
Josh tentatively takes the mouse. Okay, he seems gentle enou- "Ow! Little bastard is biting me!" Somehow he manages to hang on to it.

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2012-10-03 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah they are little bastards sometimes," she says casually as she adjusts things in the box. No way she was telling him these were mice for aggression studies. And not the control group. "But you've handled worse Agent."

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2012-10-03 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, but most of those times I could shoot 'em." Squirmy, violent son of a bitch.

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2012-10-03 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"Don't shoot the little mice Josh." More rummaging in the box and a few squeaks. She glances at him to make sure the mouse was still fine, and said mouse decides it's time to try to nibble off his captor's finger.

Okay, maybe that one had been one of the more aggressive ones...

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2012-10-03 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"Good God, woman! What are you going to do with these evil bastards!? Invade a small country!?" Josh kept a hold, thankful for Power Broker genes giving his skin more durability.

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2012-10-04 12:10 am UTC (link)
"Of course not! Don't be silly. If I was to invade a country I would not use mice. Really. There are much better things to use. Besides, the point of a model organism is to test in a system that is more manageable and better understood in order to see how it would work in something more advanced." Because human studies were a different kettle of fish. She couldn't tell him what her lab was testing right now. Fury's orders.

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2012-10-04 12:15 am UTC (link)
"Right, right, but are you almost done? There are limits to how much this guy can bite me before I start bleeding."

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2012-10-04 12:19 am UTC (link)
"Okay okay, don't rush me." Actually she'd been taking her time. "Now drop him in that section. And if you knock any of the dividers down I will make you hold multiple mice while I slowly fix it."

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2012-10-04 12:21 am UTC (link)
"You're a sadist, Dr. Jessen." He /carefully/ puts the mouse in the section she indicated. The mouse and Josh take a few moments to glare at each other.

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2012-10-04 12:23 am UTC (link)
"Aww, I'm glad you two got along so well. I should get you to help in the lab once in a while Agent Hoskins," she teased.

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2012-10-04 12:25 am UTC (link)
"If it's all the same I think I'll pass." Josh examines his hand. "Damn, those are going to sting for awhile."

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2012-10-04 12:27 am UTC (link)
"Hmm...well these mice were for an aggression study, it's to be expected. Don't worry, they're the lab strain so you won't catch anything." She leaves the box on the elevator floor and goes to give him a quick hug. "Though thanks for the help."

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2012-10-04 12:32 am UTC (link)
"That's reassuring." he'd been about to make a sarcastic remark when his train of thought is interrupted by the hug. "I..you're welcome, Lena." And he hugs back, but not too long. Professionalism and all that.

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2012-10-04 03:54 pm UTC (link)
"Well it was a big help." She leaves the box with the mice on the floor because as long as they were stuck here there was no need to do carry it. "So is there a series of stuck-in-an-elevator games? I think we need those right about now. Seriously, you work for SHIELD and think 'oh top notch tech around here, everything must run smoothly'. And then the freaking elevator breaks down."

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2012-10-04 04:33 pm UTC (link)
"If there are I don't know them." Josh rolls his eyes. "Tell me about it. I imagine writers would have a field day chronicling all our little misadventures."

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2012-10-04 04:36 pm UTC (link)
"I bet some already are having one," she grumbles then pointedly stares at where she knows a security camera is.

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2012-10-04 05:07 pm UTC (link)
Josh looks at the camera. "Hope you guys got some entertainment out of that," he mutters. "Breath a word of it and I'll make your lives miserable." Josh was certain they got the message.

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2012-10-05 12:13 am UTC (link)
"Or we can just accidentally let some of the aggressive mice escape in their direction..."

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2012-10-05 12:22 am UTC (link)
That gets a smile out of him. "I do love how your mind works at times, Doctor."

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2012-10-05 12:31 am UTC (link)
She chuckled. "Well you see, if my mice do that to someone I do like...imagine what they'd do to someone I'm unhappy with Agent."

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2012-10-05 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Good point. I'd hate to see how you treat your enemies," he teased.

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2012-10-05 01:21 am UTC (link)
"It just makes me all that more of a reliable ally. Why do you think they hired me," she joked.

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2012-10-05 08:11 am UTC (link)
"Duly noted, Lena."

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