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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-24 17:16:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, aleron maximoff, alice dugan, andrew summers, angelo bennet, antaeus, anya stark, argo, armadillo jr., asleif, awesome andrea, brad hill, buck rogers, charlotte lehnsherr, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, giovanna bennet, guardian, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, kael, kalypso, marlow, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, rachel summers, rikki cargill, sammy fury, sengai senyaka, shane ostrum, svalin, tim dugan, toni rhodes, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

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You are cordially invited to attend

Terra Nova Charity Fundraiser

Twenty-Fourth of September Two Thousand Twelve

New York Botanical Gardens' Enid A. Haupt Conservatory

Seven pm until one am.

Formal dress required

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2012-09-27 12:59 am UTC (link)
Rikki shrugged. "Obviously, I was wrong."

She chuckled. "His dad's going to be ecstatic when he finds out about their relationship."

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2012-09-28 05:03 am UTC (link)
As a result of growing up with one very prominent and one reasonably skilled telepath, Angelo had managed to learn to keep one line of speech directed outward, and another in his mind.

Charlotte hears, "Oh.. I... I'm so flattered, Charlotte..." as he smiles.

Whereas Gio will hear, in frantic Italian, //"Charlotte is asking me to move in with her! What do I DO?"//

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2012-09-28 05:07 am UTC (link)
Gio, of course, is not actually good at telepathy, using her scionic skills strictly defensively most of the time. But with Angelo Screaming like that...

Do you mean how to move your things discreetly into her room, or how to consider the emotional consequences

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2012-09-28 06:35 pm UTC (link)
Her smile faltered a little as the response from Angelo was taking *way* to long.. "..or..not?"

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2012-09-28 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Rikki peered in the direction of Charlotte and Angelo.

"Whatta ya think they're talking about?" she asked Sengai.

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2012-09-29 01:57 pm UTC (link)

He furrows his brow and hugs Charlotte, kissing her cheek. "No... it's not that I'm rejecting it. It's just a big step, and you caught me by surprise. I... don't think I can say yes until..." He mumbles slightly, tensing his jaw. "Until we finally tell our parents about us."

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2012-09-29 07:10 pm UTC (link)
Her smile went away pretty quickly at that, "Angelo...I want to take the next step with you..but I need to make sure you understand...the reasons I left Genosha..? Will never go away. I dont want to make you choose between me and your parents and your home and your family..but there are a *lot* of people that dont think we should be together."

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2012-09-29 07:18 pm UTC (link)
Angelo goes from dumbstruck to righteously indignant with record speed. "And exactly who is it that thinks they have any say in whom you choose to be with?"

He squeezes her hands and holds them up between them. "I'll make you a compromise. Regardless of how they react, I would still be overjoyed to move in with you-- or you with me. We'll have to do some checking about sharing space and what we can rearrange, but... nevermind that part. The point is, I don't want to hide things from my parents. I love and respect them very much, just how I love and respect you very much." He smiles at her, kissing her forehead. "But I still want to tell them.

How about we all sit down for a nice dinner together, okay? Everything will be fine. I'll handle all the talking."

Because, above anything else, it is Angelo's job to rescue his damsel when she's in distress.

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2012-09-29 07:20 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds...like a plan." not a *good* plan...she had no faith that this wasn't going to end with someone getting seriously hurt..or worse.

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2012-09-29 07:42 pm UTC (link)
He kisses her again, on the mouth this time. "Everything will be fine."

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2012-09-29 07:44 pm UTC (link)
She sighed softly and deeply, pressing her face into his shoulder, taking comfort in his stregnth...and hiding the clear doubt and worry on her face. "Ill leave the arragements to you since you're the dinner guru..but let me know if I can help with anything, okay?"

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2012-09-29 07:49 pm UTC (link)
He grins, suddenly excited. "Oh, that's right! I wanted to tell you, I found a cookbook filled with recipes for two people to prepare together. I'll email you some of the options, and we can pick out a dinner menu once we're getting things arranged."

He wasn't going to tell her the exact title of the book, because that might sound like rushing things even further than just moving in together.

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2012-09-29 07:53 pm UTC (link)
"...you know I cant toast bread, remember?" She really couldn't..but she *loved* watching him work..

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2012-09-29 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Angelo would, of course, never agree with her to her face.

"Don't be like that... at the very least, you can help me measure ingredients and clear counter-spaces when I'm working on multiple things." He smiles. He knew from personal experience how much it felt to feel like you were contributing.

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2012-09-29 10:18 pm UTC (link)
Sengai observes the pair discreetly. "Something either heartwarming or heartwrenching I'd guess."

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2012-09-29 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"Probably," Rikki agreed. She peered, using what she knew about G-Lo. "I think he's getting stressed."

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