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bio_nerd ([info]bio_nerd) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-14 02:16:00

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Entry tags:lena jessen, valini morse

The "Dreaded' Yearly Psych Evaluation
Publicly she grumbled just as much, okay fine, more than, most people when it came to the psych evals. Why should she have to leave her lab to sit in someone's office and talk about her feelings? Ugh, what a waste of time. Not to mention all the potential for awkward questions.

But there was a loophole. And that loophole came around whenever Val did the evaluations. Of course it required some secrecy, not everyone could know about this otherwise they'd all want it, so that meant the evaluation was scheduled in the evening, when most of the casual workers had left, and everyone still around was too busy.

There's a light knock on Valini's office door and Lena pokes her head in. For once she's out of the lab coat, a rather rare sight most days. "Hey! Annual proof-I'm-not-too-crazy time?"

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2012-11-07 01:55 am UTC (link)
"Hint: One of them had a dog. And it wasn't the science guy." Nope, still nothing. "I don't think it's our sample size that's the problem. I mean we were on easy mode here. Not even Bill Nye got a blink out of them, and all our others are pretty mainstream I'd think." She takes another drink and smiles. "Solution: drink enough to forget that and stumble and giggle our way out of here later?"

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2012-11-08 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Now there's a worthy challenge and we're woefully behind schedule!" she laughed and waved down the bartender. "We need enough drink to temporarily erase two Ph.D's and put it on the tab. For Science."

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2012-11-08 12:40 am UTC (link)
"We should fix that, stat!" She laughs at how Val orders their next rounds and when the drinks come she raises her glass and grins. "For Science!"

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