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snarkfighter ([info]snarkfighter) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-13 02:47:00

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Entry tags:jack power, sammy fury

Because Why Not?
Jack Power strode through the Helicarrier with a sense of purpose that matched days when there was an official field assignment even though there wasn't. For Jack Power was a man on a mission.

"Fury!" he called as he caught a glimpse of his target.

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 04:03 am UTC (link)
"It explains a great deal, yes. Speaking of the clubs, I doubt you went to the Casablanca last time..."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 04:13 am UTC (link)
"You would doubt correctly, unless it's a lesbian bar. Then it's a distinct possibility. It was a farewell trip for a friend of Anya's." Sammy gave Jack's ice cream a considering look. "Are we going to the Casablanca now?"

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 04:15 am UTC (link)
"Yes. Wee hours of a friday morning... that's karaoke night."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 04:21 am UTC (link)
"And me without my video camera! Tell me you'll sing. I really want to hear it."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 04:22 am UTC (link)
"If you really want, I will."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 06:00 pm UTC (link)
"I want, but as much as I enjoy tweaking you, I wouldn't ask if it makes you uncomfortable." Pause. "If we go in and they know you, all bets are off."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 07:40 pm UTC (link)
"They don't know me. I pass by with my ice cream and that's it. But I can do this." And he'll walk her to the club. A karaoke club. Still in a three-piece suit.

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 10:42 pm UTC (link)
Hey, it was Amsterdam. They saw a lot stranger than a guy in a three piece suit in here everyday. If anyone gave them a glance at all. She doubted they did.

The music was loud enough to make casual talk hard and off key enough to know it really was a kareoke place. She joined in the clappling with the rest of the crowd when the song ended. Possibly she might have to resort to stealthy moves to see if an open table could be found.

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 11:18 pm UTC (link)
They'll find something eventually. The singing goes on in several different languages until it's Jack's turn. The advantage of Europe is the mildly obscure british music, so he goes with something catchily creepy

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Oh my. Power could /sing!/ And he was /good!/ Sammy did a very unladylike thing and climbed on her chair to get a better look at him at the stage area.

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 11:46 pm UTC (link)
And Jack can't help but grin when he sees she's done that.

When he finishes the song, he'll slip from the stage back to their table and raise a curious eyebrow, then look to the stage.

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 11:56 pm UTC (link)
"That was amazing! Your sisters were right." Sammy grinned at him. "Not that they talk about you much." She followed his look to the stage. "I can't sing? I only know songs about spies?"

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-22 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"...I will not put you down for Carly Simon by force. But thank you."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 12:15 am UTC (link)
"Now that's just a dare. Don't say I didn't warn you when your ears start to bleed and you're forced to heal the club." Sammy gave his hand a pat and went to sign up for a turn at the stage.

When her turn came around, she bowed to his choice of Carly Simon. She'd seen all the the Bond movies. It was the obvious choice. At least her voice wouldn't make small children cry.

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 12:18 am UTC (link)
He watches with great interest, and applauds at the end, smiling. Almost smirking, if Jack admitted to smirking.

"And no one requires my services."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Good thing, too. Us without passports, it could get sticky." She was very pleased with herself. And not one drink to give her courage for it. The next performer was up, but she was happy to sit and listen now. "No video, right?"

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Nope. That was all our eyes and ears only."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Excellent. This will be our secret."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 12:59 am UTC (link)
"Good plan. Very good plan."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 01:16 am UTC (link)
"This has been a really great night. Thanks for inviting me out. You need to get out more often, Jack. It's a whole different Power experience for us."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 01:18 am UTC (link)
"I'll grant I'm not the best at getting out. Lot of things need doing. But I've had a great time, Sam."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 01:21 am UTC (link)
Her smile beamed when he called her Sam. "You're right about that. There are always things that need doing. I learned that from the colonel who has to be the biggest workaholic in the world. But, I learned from the deputy director that you have to get out whenever possible or you'll burn out too fast. And then who'll watch out for the world?"

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 01:43 am UTC (link)
"Valid point there."

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Re: Thursday.
2012-09-23 01:56 am UTC (link)
"But enough on that subject or you'll accuse me of not being able to leave work at the office. Any chance of more ice cream before we leave Amsterdam?"

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