Movie Night, Aliens and Big Green Men
Movies and curled up on the couch with her daughter was a great way to spend a Saturday night in Syd's book. Dinner for Syd and Zoey consisted of pizza (cheese of course) and soda (it was a treat since they hadn't had movie night in awhile) and a huge bowl of popcorn with lots of extra butter on it.
Movie night started with Beauty and the Beast, which was Zoey's all time favorite movie, and moved on to Monsters vs. Aliens. Syd hadn't the chance to take Zoey to see it in the theater, so as soon as it came out on DVD she purchased it and they planned a movie night. It was a cute movie and Syd had the feeling they would be watching it many times in the near future since Zoey enjoyed it so much.
It was just a little past nine pm and Zoey was asleep next to Syd. Syd looked down at her daughter and smiled. Cuddling with her daughter was always a good thing. Syd was dozing as Independence Day just started.
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