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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-11 23:09:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, npc - norns, svalin

Seeking Wisdom
It had taken days even on Tryggvi to cross the continent to Nornheim to the forest where the Norns lived. Skuld, Urd and Verdandi were three sisters who lived at the base of Yggdrasil near the Well of Urdr and draw water from it to pour over the roots of Yggdrasil.

Svalin dismounted Tryggvi when they drew closer and she led him the rest of the way on foot. Vigfrior remained at her side and sheathed.

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2012-09-12 04:57 pm UTC (link)
The Norns look between each other, then nod, Verdandi going to pick up a pitcher, going to the pool and drawing water, then returning and offering it to Svalin. "Drink deeply, Thundersdottir, every drop. And then you shall hear our price."

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2012-09-12 05:01 pm UTC (link)
Svalin nodded and took the pitcher. She took another deep breath and then started drinking. Svalin drank every last drop of the water and handed the pitcher back when she was done.

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2012-09-12 05:14 pm UTC (link)
"Good... as you wish our aid to protect what is yours, then so too will you need to help protect what is ours. On two days of each year, the longest day and the longest night, you will be drawn from wherever you are, whatever you are doing - to this tree. You will venture forth to find and battle the Nidhogg, the great wyrm eating at Yggdrasil until Ragnarok... the wyrm is too great a power for nearly any Asgardian, or even great legions... so you will die." one begins.

"But your death shall buy the tree time to heal and regrow, slowing the beast's predations, and staving off Ragnarok a little time longer."

"Each death shall be new pain and suffering, at teeth, claws, crushing weight, acidic bile and fiery blood... but by the power of the water you have consumed, you will be reborn at dawn, and returned to where you were when you were whisked away."

"You will remember each death, each new pain, with only the next one to look forward to... but you shall have our wisdom, and the Goddess of Hope shall grant Asgard a little bit more precious time with each new death and rebirth."

"But even though you shall be reborn and healed, like the Nidhogg and tree both are... death is never without a price. Each one shall leave a new small scar upon you, some mark suitable for the means by which you died, each one small, insignificant, but over the many years, they will add up, mar the beauty of the Goddess of Hope, and ensure you always know the pain of sacrifice."

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2012-09-12 05:22 pm UTC (link)
Svalin nodded. "The price wilt be paid." It would be her burden to bear, but it will protect her family and Asgard. "How canst I serve Asgard and protect mine family?"

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2012-09-12 05:37 pm UTC (link)
"The way has already been put into place. The Crimson Hawks are sworn to defend the royal family before all else... so that the family may concentrate on duty without worry. They protected you as an infant, though as a small child, you and your brother usually spent most of your time trying to evade your would-be protectors."

"We have two names, of those whose threads intertwine with those of your wife and son. These names shall be placed on the tip of your mind, so you will not know them... but they shall sound familiar when overheard."

"If you judge your whims correctly, when speaking to the right person, then these two shall have a hand in ensuring your family fills its role in the wyrd... and that your son shall survive to change everything, for good or ill... these two shall be just as liable for saving... or dooming the realm as yourself."

Verdandi fixes her gaze intently on Svalin. "But choose well, be cautious when trying to determine what is your own nervousness or desires speaking, and what truly feels 'right' - for of all the Hawks, only two may do what is needed."

Skuld nods. "And you will take up the place of heir to the throne once more... the time will come when you will abandon the throne to your sister... but that time is not yet."

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2012-09-12 05:46 pm UTC (link)
Svalin committed their words to memory. So much rested on this.

She nodded and bowed deeply.

"Thank thee for thy wisdom and I wilt heed thy words. Mine mind ist more at ease and thou hath relieved some of mine fears."

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2012-09-12 05:51 pm UTC (link)
"Good... and good fortune. The fate of the nine worlds still rests on your shoulders, Hope Goddess."

The Norns, after all, can't let anyone rest too easy.

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2012-09-12 05:56 pm UTC (link)
Svalin bowed again and left the sisters. Now she just had to keep her wife from finding out about what deal Svalin made. She feared her wife more than anyone.

She mounted Tryggvi and they headed home.

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