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Vernique Denning ([info]butterflybullet) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-10 23:48:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, jordan bochs

Much-Needed Mortal Time.
After checking the decryption, and that things were quiet, Vernique fired up the videocall to Jordan on schedule.

French has some really great idioms for frustration with life, and she'd used several within instants of the "Hi."

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2012-09-11 01:50 am UTC (link)
Well, that's not the usual call - but he adapts well enough. Sticking with French, he lets her rant, then responds with, "Want to talk about it?"

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2012-09-11 01:56 am UTC (link)
"I've been trying. I have. Since ... since what happened. I spent days searching for my son while he was in the hands of faeries and demons, and most of the people here shook it off like water off a duck's back. And yes, yes, I know that it was actually hard for Svalin too, but getting that doesn't retroactively fix all the hurt. And that's what makes this latest thing so damned irritating!"

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2012-09-11 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Oh man... that had to be terrible for you. Is your son ok?"

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2012-09-11 02:03 am UTC (link)
"He's okay. But aside from Marlow who was a trooper and tried to help, they were all so..... divine about it. No big deal. First it was all about readying for a real fight, and then, well, victory acheived, so everything's fine now. Heck, before we'd even gotten Solver back, her sisters were laughing at injokes that I didn't get because I'd been busy wandering the countryside looking for my son while his other mother stayed back at her divine royal desk job. The royal desk job she is now looking to quit, because that's just going to fix everything, right? Like that's going to work."

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2012-09-11 02:09 am UTC (link)
"From what you've told me, yeah, that's not going to work at all. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

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2012-09-11 02:17 am UTC (link)
"I just... I just need to talk to someone human. I'm sick of Asgardian utilitarianism right now"

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2012-09-11 02:23 am UTC (link)
"Anything you need, sweetie. Conversation, plane tickets, anything. I'm just worried about you at this point."

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2012-09-11 02:34 am UTC (link)
"...He's so smart, Jordan. I mean, he's really just so darn smart. And even assuming nothing really horrible happens... how do I make sure he understands how to be a person when even Mommytwo has to convince Mommyone to stick with her damn Determined Place in Asgardian Society because nothing else is going to work for her?"

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2012-09-11 03:06 am UTC (link)
"By being a good example, sweetie. He's going to learn just as much from you as from them. It might be hard to believe, but it will work out. I have faith in you."

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2012-09-11 03:10 am UTC (link)
She sighs, manages a smile. "Thanks. Glad someone's filling in on that score."

To say that she's not used to feeling like this is something of an understatement.

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2012-09-11 03:29 am UTC (link)
"You're totally surrounded by Asgardians, with all the gods' tendency to see in big-picture terms. Perspective can be hard to find. But really, you've done well with it... and will continue to do just fine."

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2012-09-11 03:45 am UTC (link)
"...right. Good point." She smiled. "I'd love to come over there for a while to lean against all that reasonableness, but I don't want to leave while she's like this."

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2012-09-11 03:50 am UTC (link)
"I could take a few days and come down and help out, and stay at a motel nearby or something, if that wouldn't be too awkward?"

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2012-09-11 04:01 am UTC (link)
"I... actually, that would be great, if you could just try to be careful with Kael. He's on the rotation ... was. I'm not really up for it these days, weird though that is. But anyway, he's sensitive. But it'd be good to have you around."

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2012-09-11 04:40 am UTC (link)
"No problem, I won't even come down there and risk anything - I'll get a room a few blocks away. So you can come visit any time for a couple hours, but not have to get too far off."

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2012-09-11 04:41 am UTC (link)
"Good idea. That... I'd really like that."

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2012-09-11 04:44 am UTC (link)
"I don't know how long I can get away, but I'm pretty sure I have a lot of vacation time built up, and its pretty quiet. A few days, maybe a week anyway. We can have dinner when I get down there."

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2012-09-11 04:47 am UTC (link)
"Good. That'll be great. I... don't want to just dump everything on you like this. Is your family okay?"

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2012-09-11 05:01 am UTC (link)
"My family is fine, and Alpha will be ok without me for a bit. I meant it when I said I wanted to see if we could make being a little more serious work - which comes with some boyfriend duties, like trying to be there for you now and then. I'll catch a flight as soon as I clear the vacation time."

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2012-09-11 05:25 am UTC (link)
"Okay." And Vernique, somehow, blushes. "Thanks. Looking forward to seeing you."

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2012-09-11 05:36 am UTC (link)
"Looking forward to seeing you too. I'll call you when I hit the airfield."

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