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shield_legacy ([info]shield_legacy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-09 22:30:00

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Entry tags:tim dugan, valini morse

Annual Psych Eval
Tim hated the yearly psych eval, but if he didn't get them they wouldn't let him play with all the cool toys. He didn't particularly like talking about himself or what was bothering him. He had a personal policy of never talking about personal things with people unless of course it was Sammy. Even she didn't know everything.

He made it to Valini's office and knocked on the door.

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2012-09-13 12:28 am UTC (link)
"On one hand, your logic on this situation can comfort by avoiding disruption," she agreed. "On the other hand, this tactic rarely benefits anyone concerned. I am guessing she wouldn't want you be miserable, either." She smiled and tipped her head slightly.

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2012-09-13 12:43 am UTC (link)
Tim sighed. "Something like that. I just don't want to ruin things between us."

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2012-09-13 11:45 am UTC (link)
"Of course not, which is good. The worst outcome is it could be awkward between you two for a time, but your friendship would outweigh that in long run."

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2012-09-13 11:49 am UTC (link)
"I suppose," Tim said. Sammy was his best friend in the world and had known her since they were in diapers and the last thing he wanted was to lose her friendship.

Talking about Sammy and this is exactly why he hated the yearly psych evals.

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2012-09-13 11:57 am UTC (link)
It was amazing how dense geniuses could be. Both of them. "I would recommend introducing the idea incrementally over just dropping it in her lap. Less fight-or-flight instigating." She smiled at him. "Is there something we haven't covered that you wish to talk about? An aspect of work or life that interferes with the gestalt?"

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2012-09-13 12:15 pm UTC (link)
Tim shrugged. "We'll see what happens." Tim of course had no intention of telling Sammy anything.

"I don't think so."

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2012-09-13 12:25 pm UTC (link)
Shy of an act of God? Very little, probably.

Valini nodded. "And you know that could can come and talk to me at any time about anything," she offered, even if Tim wasn't the sharing type. "Confidentiality and discretion comes with no added fee."

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2012-09-13 12:30 pm UTC (link)
"I know," Tim said as he stood up. This was a sign that this was finally over. "Thank you."

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2012-09-13 12:38 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you as well," she replied and smirked. "I release you from the thumbscrews, you can flee."

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2012-09-13 12:40 pm UTC (link)
"It wasn't that bad. Time to go blow things up," he said with a large grin. "See you later, Doc."

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