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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Martin just stares at Jack. Part baffled, part sheer confusion, and part 'I'm not sure if he's crazy or just a different sort of off in the head'. This was a perfect example of why Martin found Kelly crazy but Jack would always be Baffling to him. Like many of Kelly's comments, the less savoury implications go mostly over his head. It made it easier to put things down to general craziness and just appreciate the fact that she liked explosions too.

Jack on the other hand he understood. Both the individual words and the meaning and intent behind the phrase. But the logic behind them was so foreign to him that it messed with his head even more. He couldn't quite put it down to insanity like Kelly, which left him at a loss. How on this and many other dimensions did he get Best Friend?! He had stolen His Hat.

Clearly he was missing something huge. Because poor Martin can only stare even more.

Advanced Magical Rune Theory studying made more sense than this.

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