Study Break
Antoinette "Toni" Rhodes was officially feeling brain dead as she headed into the kitchen of Avengers mansion. Finals were coming up in just a few days and, as far as she was concerned, she would be lucky to pass. Her grades were usually decent, above average to be sure, but nothing stellar, except for auto-shop class. And even that was more do to a secret application of her mutant abilities--the ability to reshape the elements of technology combined with a certain amount of technological intuition--than anything else.
History? Maybe she'd do okay there. Just dates and stuff to memorize. English? She'd probably scrape by, her writing skills were decent enough and she'd passed the tests on most of what they've read, except for Shakespeare. Auto-shop? That she'd pass. Science and math? Well...
She pulled open the fridge and stared at the inside, trying to figure out if anything looked edible.
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