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Vernique Denning ([info]butterflybullet) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-09 03:23:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, halbjorn

For Hal
Vernique was livid. How could she not be making herself clear? Since when was she bad at communicating? She heads straight for the first person she can think of whom she loved and couldn't stand the reasoning of as much as Svalin.

"HAL! If you've got a moment, I need help with a translation!"

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2012-09-09 05:29 am UTC (link)
"Let me say in advance that this entire conversation is going to hurt my feelings, but I understand that you don't mean anything hurtful by the truth as you see it. In turn, I'm not meaning any insult to Asgard by being angry. Svalin was right to turn me down when I asked her to help me look for Solver, and she was right because of her stupid command position, right?"

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2012-09-09 05:35 am UTC (link)
He considers this a few moments. Last thing he wants to do is hurt anyone's feelings - but he's used to dealing with some brutal realities.

"Mine sister once before put family before Asgard, and it cost others their lives. Whilst the troops of Asgard art well trained, they need orders, and need officers to look up to. If she leaves her post... aye, she might save one, or find one... but how many other mothers might lose their children if the walls art breached? Or how many might be widows and orphans?"

He sighs, and offers her a drink. "The crown ist ver' heavy. She loves none so dearly as thee, and thy son... but she hast seen the costs of putting duty aside. Tis why I canst ne'er do her job... because to be King, or Queen, ist to tear one's heart out at times... tis why she hast others at her charge to look after what she cannot."

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2012-09-09 05:43 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. Okay. That's established. I hate it, but it's established. So if that was the issue, then you'd say that pawning off her destestable responsibilities on Aridis would have completely destroyed the chain of command, particularly since Aridis has never been prepared for dealing with them or any other non-hunting things, and probably won't be anytime this side of Ragnarok -- which, for the record, I don't much like either."

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2012-09-09 05:52 am UTC (link)
"Mine sister doth hate it - what she ist expected to do. As much, or more than thee. I know that comforts thee naught... but aye. Thy child ist important... and many wouldst hath understood. Tis the way of Asgard... but Aridis' command wouldst hath lost other lives. Not only because she ist unprepared... but because the soldiers doth not respect her. Like her... aye, ver' much. But they hath seen Svalin fail... terribly... and then learn from bitter lessons. They follow her, because they know her heart. And they wilt fight to the last for her. In time, Aridis mayst earn her place as well... someday, she wilt need to wear the crown... but she ist not prepared to stand as queen."

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2012-09-09 05:59 am UTC (link)
Vernique drinks. "Yes, I know now that she hates it, too." That didn't mean it hadn't hurt. Another drink, with none of the sophisticated wine-sipping she usually does. "So, we would say then, that all of her blasted moral obligations still apply in not foisting things off on Aridis for as long as possible? It's not like the math stops being in Asgard's favor instead of Solver's at some particular point."

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2012-09-09 06:03 am UTC (link)
"If she leaveth her post, tis not merely her difficulty... but many wouldst lose faith in her and her leadership." Then he realizes something she said, and looks at her quizzically.

"For all the price she pays, there ist some rewards... why hath thou not spoken with the Crimson Hawks yet?"

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2012-09-09 06:07 am UTC (link)
"Do I look like I know how one goes about talking to the Crimson Hawks about stuff? I'm still trying to talk Svalin out of quitting her stupid job, even though I'd love it if she did. But it's never going to work, and I know that, and somehow we've gone from always being to work something out to ..... to this. She acts like my saying it'll never work means that I don't believe she loves us or something..."

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2012-09-09 06:14 am UTC (link)
"Mine apologies, good lady. I canst aid thee with that, or thine wife couldst... Asgardian dedication canst serve thee, e'en as it vexes thee. Just as tis her duty to hold the throne and command... the men and women of the Hawks, tis their duty to protect the royal family before all else, or die trying. Thou'rt mother to the prince... at thine word, any of them would do aught asked of them to protect thee and thine son, whate'er the risk." Good thing to get out of the way first.

"Mine sister wilt come around to understand what thou'rt saying. Be patient with her. Nothing weighs so heavily on her as failure... so the worst of all worlds for her is a situation where she hast to fail someone."

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2012-09-09 06:25 am UTC (link)
"...didn't mean to get snippish; not your fault. Okay. That's good. I mean, we do need a real solution to this. Maybe more security will help. And I'll talk more with Marlow and Aslief--" Boy could her face go through a range of emotions or what at the prospect of a couple of conversations! Even though she'd made up with Aslief, some stress still lingered. "--about the magic end, too, just in case."

Vernique sighs. "I get that it's hard. I just... she needs to get that she can't just tough her way through all the time. We'e got to recognize the facts. The incredibly stupid facts, which I really, really hate."

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2012-09-09 11:49 pm UTC (link)
"Thou hast naught to apologize for. Thou hast become a part of a world few mortals enter... I am sorry I hath no better answers for thee. If I canst aid thee in finding the Captain of the Hawks, or any other, let me know. Such situations hath been encountered before, after all."

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2012-09-10 01:07 am UTC (link)
"Thanks. If i have to do it before I can get her to see sense... I'll need all the navigating help I can get."

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2012-09-10 08:02 pm UTC (link)
"I hath e'ery confidence thou wilt convince her."

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2012-09-10 08:06 pm UTC (link)
"I appreciate it, Hal."

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