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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-07 21:12:00

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Entry tags:buck rogers, future kid - ariadne barton-strange, future kid - bobby stark, future kid - danae murdock, future kid - miko sablinova, future kid - miranda vernard, future kid - solver svalinsson, jack murdock, jordyn jeffries, kalypso, mac rider, nicolai sablinova, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"back to the future", toni rhodes

Fight for the Future
The Avengers, future and present set off for Castle Zemo. Miranda and Bobby had tracked the unusual radiation and the energy signature of the stolen time traveling device to that location and it was now time to stop Hadelinde and her crew from destroying the future.

The plan was simple. One mixed team of bricks to cause a distraction and the other to sneak in and get the source of the radiation and the time traveling device.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-13 12:22 am UTC (link)
She was juuuust close enough. Jordyn brought a leg up in a super-powered kick to the groin.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-13 11:07 pm UTC (link)
Okay. That HURT. Gravedigger doubled over. It was the one area of his body that wasn't that durable.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-13 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Jordyn got to her feet quickly and followed up with a haymaker.


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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-14 08:25 pm UTC (link)
Gravedigger was hit with the punch and stumbled backward. He tried to shake all of the pain off.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-14 08:31 pm UTC (link)
She hit him again, harder. "The Princess bids you to... STAY DOWN!"

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-14 09:14 pm UTC (link)
Gravedigger yelled and rushed her putting a shoulder down to knock her over.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-14 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Jordyn went straight up, ankle-wings flapping like crazy. "Yeah, that went well."

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-14 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Gravedigger's momentum carried him forward and he stumbled a bit until he got his feet under him.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-15 04:47 pm UTC (link)
Jordyn flew at him and threw another punch.


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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-15 07:28 pm UTC (link)
Gravedigger was hit square on and went flying back into a wall. He slid to the ground and went unconscious.

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Re: Gravedigger
2012-09-15 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Jordyn let out a whoop.

"Avengers: 1, bad guys: ZEROOOOOOO!"

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