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Argo ([info]son_of_hercules) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-19 21:25:00

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Entry tags:argo, aridis, iona, kael, marlow, sydney ashcroft

An OUTRAGEOUS Revelation!
Irina having dropped him off, Argo felt the need to visit his friends and fellow gods of the Defenders.  It had already been a good time since his return to the mortal realm (though he had been unusually quiet in discussing what, exactly, had caused him to leave Olympus).  He had drank many beers, he had told many stories, and he had been with many women.

Some of the fangirls had been rather enthusiastic about his return.

But for now, he wished to see his other friends.  He'd heard there had been a baby born while he was gone.  To Svalin, no less!  He'd thought her only slightly less frigid than Asleif, unable to be warmed even by the Lion Cub of Olympus.  Who could have reached her so?  His helm was off to such a master of woo, whomever he may be.

He rang the bell.

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2012-08-26 11:31 pm UTC (link)
And Kael will shift a bit, awkward at both past events and the brawl he started.

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2012-08-26 11:50 pm UTC (link)
"It had been too long since I had been among friends," Argo said. "Would that I could make things better for you."

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