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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-15 00:20:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, birthday, misha loganovich

Happy Birthday Anya!
A package was delivered to the Thunderbolt headquarters. Inside was an iPod with PLAY ME taped to it. Misha had recorded himself and Monkey Boy singing Happy Birthday, both loud and off key.

Under the iPod was a card inviting Anya to lunch with her brothers. And monkey slippers.

The only condition was that they couldn't take Nick to the zoo ever again.

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2012-08-15 04:16 pm UTC (link)
Misha sang Happy Birthday as he arrived, having picked up Nick earlier that morning. Once more, he was warned against zoos, against ditching their security, and losing the monkey boy prince. The monkey princeling was told to keep his older siblings out of trouble and bring them home when their lunch date was over.

The toddler rode on his shoulders with a tight grip around Misha's chin and kicked his monkey slippered feet against his chest in time to the off-key music. He sang along tunelessly, proving they'd both inherited their mother's vocal talent. Nick was having so much fun that he grinned and waved when cameras were pointed at them on their walk into the building.

The penthouse door opened and they both raised their voices as loud as they could, greeting Princess Brat on her special day with an impromptu performance.

"You look like a monkey.....!" Misha sang. Nick dissolved into giggles and fell into Anya's arms over Big Brother's head. "...and act like one too! Happy Birthday!"

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2012-08-15 08:59 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you!" Anya said as she caught Nick and gave him a loud kiss on a chubby cheek. Then she gave Misha one. "Thank you both!"

"Is Prince Dork and Monkey Boy ready for some lunch?" she asked and tickled a chubby belly.

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2012-08-16 03:09 pm UTC (link)
"As ready as we'll ever be. As you can see, Somebody liked your slippers so much he had to have a pair of his own. Mom says he wears them to bed."

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2012-08-16 03:43 pm UTC (link)
"I like 'kees!" Nick exclaimed and held out his feet.

Anya laughed. Nick was certainly entertaining. "I am not surprised. You two boys hungry?"

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2012-08-17 12:31 pm UTC (link)
"Always. Right Monkey Boy?" He held up a hand for a high five. Right on cue, Nick took aim and slapped it as hard as he could. "Where does Princess Brat want to eat? It's on us so the sky's the limit."

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2012-08-17 04:39 pm UTC (link)
"Fries! I want fries!" he shouted.

"You heard Monkey Boy. He wants fries. So I guess we're going to Big Nick's." Not that Anya minded. She could always go for a burger from Big Nick's.

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2012-08-19 12:27 am UTC (link)
"We can get fries anywhere," Misha reminded her. "Seriously, wherever you want to eat. It's your day, you choose."

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2012-08-19 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Big Nick's is perfectly fine. No where else I'd rather go."

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2012-08-19 01:46 am UTC (link)
"As long as it's your choice." He reached behind her to get the door. "Let's go get Monkey Boy his fries or we'll never hear the end of it."

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2012-08-19 01:48 am UTC (link)
"Want fries!" Nick said.

"You heard him. We want fries. Now."

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2012-08-20 04:39 pm UTC (link)
"I can definitely see the family resemblance," Misha teased. He gestured for the two of them to go first. "I thought we'd walk, get some air while we can. See how many rags get pictures of the royal siblings not arguing in public."

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2012-08-20 04:42 pm UTC (link)
"Is that your subtle way of saying I'm not allowed to argue with you even though it /is/ my birthday?" Anya teased.

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2012-08-20 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"Was I being subtle? I'll have to work on that?" He grinned at her. "Besides, arguing means Monkey Boy here gets a chance to sneak away and look for more of his friends, and this time we won't get a free pass. Mom already alerted the guards to watch him. We're on our own."

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2012-08-20 04:56 pm UTC (link)
"I want fries!" Nick demanded.

"We're getting you fries," Anya told him. "I know. Mom will skin us if we let him get away again."

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2012-08-21 02:58 pm UTC (link)
He closed the door behind them and took Nick's other hand so they could swing him between them. "How's the birthday going so far? No surprise revelations or destiny calling moments?"

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2012-08-22 07:37 pm UTC (link)
"It's going great so far. Spending the day with my two favorite brothers and then Buck and I have a date tonight."

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2012-08-23 03:12 pm UTC (link)
"Good, good."

"I like 'kees!"

"Yes, Prince Monkey Boy is one of the favorite brothers. Wait till he finds out he can fund his own monkey habitat. Maybe he'll grow up to be a biologist in Africa." Misha lifted his side of Nick and grinned when the boy giggled at being off balance. "Full birthday indeed. Remember to behave for the cameras."

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2012-08-23 06:57 pm UTC (link)
Anya lifted her side of Nick so the child was dangling in the air like a monkey. He of course made monkey sounds and giggled.

"Maybe. It'd be a nice change of pace in this family."

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2012-08-29 02:35 pm UTC (link)
"There's always hope we can evolve. I don't mediate in the woods wearing a loin cloth and you don't get your picture in the paper with the flavor of the week. I'd say we're letting the old guys down if it wasn't working so well for us."

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2012-08-29 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"You're right," she said. "I'll never admit that I said it of course."

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2012-08-30 03:19 pm UTC (link)
"Eh, they have to expect we're not going to do things they way they did 'em. Right Monkey Boy?"

Swinging between them, the only answer from Nick was a giggle.

The walk to Big Nick's was uneventful. Just having something go right for a little while was a relief. They were able to get their 'usual' table and pen Nick in by the wall so he couldn't get by them.

Misha didn't need a menu. He always had the same thing and it was fully loaded with all the good stuff that was bad for him.

"How's that team of yours? I haven't seen any news reports lately."

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2012-08-30 10:35 pm UTC (link)
"They're good. Crazy, but good. Insanity is the norm and normal is a nice treat. How's the B-Team doing?"

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2012-09-06 04:31 pm UTC (link)
"I don't know how they're doing, I haven't talked to anybody on the Avengers since I last saw Toni."

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2012-09-06 04:35 pm UTC (link)
Anya laughed. "Hear that Nick? Prince Dork thinks the Avengers are the B-Team. For the record that would be the X-Men."

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2012-09-07 04:31 am UTC (link)
Nick laughed because Anya did. Misha gave the little guy a poke in the tummy.

"The mutants are where it's at, Nicky boy. Listen to your cool older mutant brother and tell Princess Brat that the X-Men are the best."

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2012-09-07 01:48 pm UTC (link)
"'Vengers!" he said between laughs.

"I see Dad has already started the brainwashing."

"Thunderbolts," Anya told the child. "They're the best and the A-Team."

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2012-09-07 03:19 pm UTC (link)
"X-Men. They have all the best mutants," Misha said firmly to Nick. "And when you're old enough, I'll teach you all the important stuff in the Danger Room."

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2012-09-07 04:46 pm UTC (link)
"'Vengers!" Nick said stubbornly.

Anya shook her head and laugh. "I don't think we're going to change his mind."

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2012-09-07 05:03 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think so either." Misha clinked his glass with Nick's cup. "I guess that's all right, as long as we all know the X-Men are the A-Team. Which we do, even if two of us can't admit it."

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2012-09-07 11:10 pm UTC (link)
"HA! It's the Thunderbolts, Nick and don't you forget it."

"'Vengers!" Nick exclaimed.

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2012-09-13 04:25 pm UTC (link)
"This is the thing with kids," Misha said, stealing a fry off Nick's plate. "You can't reason with them and you can't return them to the cabbage patch store. I should know, I tried to return you once."

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2012-09-14 08:47 pm UTC (link)
"Figures you'd do something like that. Thankfully Mom loves me and wouldn't let you do that."

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2012-09-15 11:29 am UTC (link)
"It was Dad who said I couldn't. I think Mom was curious to see if I'd be able to work out a way to do it in my five year old brain."

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2012-09-15 08:13 pm UTC (link)
"Mom's now on the Bad Christmas List now," Anya groused.

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2012-09-16 12:06 am UTC (link)
"You know Mom was about creative solutions to problems in our way. And there was no cabbage patch store in the phone book."

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2012-09-16 06:26 pm UTC (link)
"Oh I know," she said. "Okay you two, let's eat up. Then maybe we'll head to the zoo."

"Zoo! 'Keys!" Nick said with a big goofy grin on his face.

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2012-09-16 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"You realize we're under orders about the zoo after what happened last time. Or did Somebody make a large donation?"

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2012-09-16 10:34 pm UTC (link)
"I know that," she said. "He doesn't."

Anya turned to Nick. "Mom said no zoo today. She'll take you tomorrow."

"Zoo!" he insisted.

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2012-09-16 11:54 pm UTC (link)
"Mom wants to take you to the zoo. How about we go to the natural museum instead? There are monkeys. Kind of."

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2012-09-17 12:26 pm UTC (link)
"I want zoo!" he said insistently.

"How about we go shopping and buy you a monkey? I know a big store with lots of monkeys. Mom will take you to the zoo tomorrow."

She looked at Misha and mouthed "stuffed."

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2012-09-17 01:24 pm UTC (link)
Buying a monkey had made Misha wonder because you just didn't know with a Stark, but stuffed relieved that worry.

"A monkey to take home would be pretty awesome, Nick." The little guy's face looked about ready to storm. "Let's go shopping for monkeys."

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2012-09-17 02:16 pm UTC (link)
"I want a 'key!" he said.

"Okay. Let's eat and then we'll go buy some monkeys."

"'kay," he said with a goofy grin.

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2012-09-17 02:33 pm UTC (link)
"You were the same way about tiaras," Misha said. He stole another fry from Monkey Boy. "Let Mom try and keep him out of the M O N K E Y cage."

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2012-09-17 02:38 pm UTC (link)
"'Key!" Nick said. He knew what monkey sounded like when spelled out. "No steal fries!"

Anya shook her head. "Yes. Let's just get through today."

She tickled Nick's belly and laughed when he doubled over with giggles.

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2012-09-17 03:19 pm UTC (link)
"He's too smart for us." Misha stole another fry before returning to his own plate. "But he's a cute little guy. Can't resist spoiling him."

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2012-09-17 10:06 pm UTC (link)
"No steal!" he yelled and covered his fries with his little hands.

"He is. We are in so much trouble the older he gets."

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