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nextgen_kree ([info]nextgen_kree) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-13 21:50:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, groot xxiv, iason, lady devil, npcs - kree deviants, rocket red panda, team - guardians of the galaxy

It Begins
 In a lot of ways, Ixtal-3 was at the back-end of the Kree Empire. It was common for officers at odds with command to be reassigned the planet's small fleet. Ixtal-3 had little in the way of resources. It's only real value was as a watchpoint in case the neighboring Skrulls made a push. In which case the planet would be overrun quick, but not before a warning would be given out to Command.

Mer-Vas grumbled at yet another day of meaningless work. Once he had led soldiers into battle! Now he was here..all because a general's daughter had some kind of fixation on him. He was about to call on in for the latest report, which he no doubt believed would be the same as always, an alarm came in. "What's happening!?"

"Something's breached the perimeter, sir!" came Lieutenant Her-Va from Station-34.


"Unknown sir, but they're coming in fa-!" The comm suddenly cut out.

At the satellite already!? He quickly put in a call to command, only to pick up static. "All troops, prepare for-!" Shots hit the base, the force driving Mer-Vas to the ground. He could hear fighting down the hall. He went to move before seeing a Kree soldier fall back into view, stained with blood. An armored figure walked into sight. Mer-Vas readied his weapon and fired on the intruder. The first two shots seemed to be repelled by some kind of miniature force-field, but the third did some damage as the invader fell back against the wall.  However, no sooner had this one fallen then two more appeared, one firing a series of shots, driving him agonizingly to the floor. He tried to move, but could barely shift as the armored figures came by.

"This is Command! Come in Ixtal-3! What's happening!?"

One of the armored figures went over to the comm, easily working the Kree equipment.  "We are coming, cousin. We are coming to take back what is ours. Enjoy your power while it lasts."  The second turned to the fallen Mer-Vas and raised his weapon. The last thought the soldier had before he died was why the invaders spoke Ancient Kree?

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2012-09-23 08:37 pm UTC (link)
Ugh! Is being reptile! Ugh.

Red held a tight grip on his gun.

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2012-09-23 10:45 pm UTC (link)
"What's your problem with the Kree?" Azura yelled. She still held Godslayer and was ready to use it.

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2012-09-25 04:12 pm UTC (link)
"That's a long and involved answer," he said in reply to Azura. He removes a syringe and proceeds to stick it in his own arm. When the vial is full of his blood, he tosses it to Alex. "Take that your superiors. You'll find that this is in truth," The armored soldiers make their way to the ship. "an internal matter." When the soldiers were on board, the ship took off just as the masked man made his way inside.

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2012-09-25 08:36 pm UTC (link)
"Well," Red said, once the ship was gone, "that was being anticlimactic."

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2012-09-26 10:07 pm UTC (link)
"What in the universe just happened?" Azura asked quite confused.

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2012-09-28 05:21 am UTC (link)
Alex scowls. "If I'm right, the universe just got a little smaller." He secures the vial carefully until they can get it somewhere for analysis.

He gives basic directions for a careful evac back to the ship, offering medical aid to anyone they find on the way, and giving a command post an emergency beacon to reach them. He needs to analyze the sample and contact Knowhere before they can proceed further.

If they come much tougher than that particular bastard, he's going to have to allow Red bigger guns.

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2012-09-28 05:44 am UTC (link)
"I will see what I can learn, if anything, while you see to science." Iason replies, before working, for now, on helping with the emergency evacs and clean up.

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