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nextgen_asgard2 ([info]nextgen_asgard2) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-07 22:54:00

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Entry tags:aridis, asleif, cosmopolitan, halbjorn, iona, kael, marlow, plot-"wedding march to a war drum", svalin

Wedding March to a War Drum (Kael, Aridis, Iona, Asleif, Hal)
The Hulk and Algrim were taking care of each other and were gone from Asgard. The threat that loomed over the city and her inhabitants was almost gone. The city was still on guard against Frost Giants and other enemies of Asgard, but for now they had a short respite.

It was time to see to the wounded and repair what they could before the next attack came. It was also time to celebrate a marriage. Alfveror had petition Lady Frigga for her permission to have the wedding and the Goddess of Marriage had agreed.

Despite the hard times they had just face and most of Asgard's warriors sporting injuries and quite a few dead, the city had a festive air about it.

Svalin had left to find her wife and son as soon as she got Hal back to the city and had gotten him medical attention. Her sister would see to Asgard as a queen's duty.

The wedding was about to start.

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2012-08-19 12:34 am UTC (link)
Surtur raised an eyebrow at Svalin, clearly no longer amused.

"I haft been gracious Thorsdottir. I doth not need thee alive. Don't press thy luck," he warned. "Nothing constrains thy wife and son as she no doubt can tell thee."

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2012-08-19 12:38 am UTC (link)
Vernique looks up wearily, checks out the creepy pen, and undoes a few things. "Yeah, hon. It's fine. Let's get the heck out of here." As she climbs out with Solver, she pauses just a moment to look up vaguely at Surtur. "No crazy divine catches to this?"

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2012-08-19 12:44 am UTC (link)
"None, thy lives are thy own," the demon replied, a smile returning to his lips, "more than thou realizes."

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2012-08-19 12:45 am UTC (link)
Asleif did not smile, but she did offer a barely perceptible nod of approval and acknowledgement of Vernique's question when she was certain no one was watching her.

Her eyes, however, remained entirely focused on her nephew.

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2012-08-19 12:49 am UTC (link)
V comes over. And she's not quite tired enough, or hurt enough, to not realize what Svalin needs at all. She brings Solver over. "Mommyone's missed you too, Sweetie," she says, however absently, however twinged.

Then she looks back and forth from Surtur to the gang, eventually focusing on Marlow with an attempted smile and Aslief with weariness. "Get us the hell out of here?"

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2012-08-19 12:52 am UTC (link)
Svalin took her eyes off of Surtur just long enough to look at her son and her wife. They were safe for the moment. A weight was lifted off her shoulders, but she wouldn't quite relax until they were out of here.

"Go! Now!" Svalin ordered the others. She would cover their exit to make sure nothing attacked them from the rear

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2012-08-19 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Let us be gone," Asleif said.

And they were.

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2012-08-19 01:19 am UTC (link)
When they're in safety, Vernique manages to take a moment from everything to go over to Marlow.

"Marlow, I just wanted to thank you for being there. For understanding."

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2012-08-19 01:29 am UTC (link)
Marlow's mouth opened and closed in surprise. "Solver needed his mom," she said finally. "That's important."

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2012-08-19 01:35 am UTC (link)
Svalin kept quiet and stayed out of the way, but her attention was on her wife and son. They were safe, but Svalin wasn't going to drop her guard anytime soon.

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2012-08-19 01:38 am UTC (link)
Asleif did a brief headcount. Mortal. Elf. Ardis. Svalin. Other Mortal. Halbjorn. Iona. Solver.


Which left her further time to consider what had come to pass and what had been said. "Thou chagest all, nephew," she said, quietly, to herself. "Thou doth truly change all."

...And may thou be free to choose for thyself.

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2012-08-19 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," Vernique said quietly, pressing her hand momentarily. "Thank you."

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2012-08-19 04:53 pm UTC (link)
"...This will make a most fine tale...made finer still when the blood of my traitor half elf of a bethrothed seeps into the earth..My friends...I owe all of thee atonement, had I but listened to my own mind and instinct..." She shook her head, good and truely ashamed that all this time, the traitor lay within reach and never once did she act.

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