Wedding March to a War Drum (Kael, Aridis, Iona, Asleif, Hal)
The Hulk and Algrim were taking care of each other and were gone from Asgard. The threat that loomed over the city and her inhabitants was almost gone. The city was still on guard against Frost Giants and other enemies of Asgard, but for now they had a short respite.
It was time to see to the wounded and repair what they could before the next attack came. It was also time to celebrate a marriage. Alfveror had petition Lady Frigga for her permission to have the wedding and the Goddess of Marriage had agreed.
Despite the hard times they had just face and most of Asgard's warriors sporting injuries and quite a few dead, the city had a festive air about it.
Svalin had left to find her wife and son as soon as she got Hal back to the city and had gotten him medical attention. Her sister would see to Asgard as a queen's duty.
The wedding was about to start.
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