Entry tags: | buck rogers, frances barton, future kid - ariadne barton-strange, future kid - bobby stark, future kid - danae murdock, future kid - miko sablinova, future kid - miranda vernard, future kid - simon bowmaster, future kid - solver svalinsson, jack murdock, jordyn jeffries, kalypso, mac rider, nicolai sablinova, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"back to the future", team - avengers, toni rhodes |
Attack On New York
Hadelinde was a bit shocked when a future kid, hers no less, showed up and told her of the bleak future. In the future she was in prison as was most of the criminal world. The Avengers had brought peace to the world and there wasn't a place in that world for her or her kind. The main driving force was a future Avenger called Solver Svalinsson, now an infant.
That couldn't stand. The future could not play out that way. She would make sure of it. The Avengers would not win, not as long as she was alive. She had to do something now to prevent that future.
The meteor that had fallen in Texas was the key to changing the future. Her son had mentioned the strange properties to her. In his past the Avengers had disposed of it by flinging it into the sun. Hadelinde had changed that by having her Masters of Evil steal it out from under the Avengers.
It had taken time and the lives of some test subjects, but in the end they had been able to harness the mutating radiation from the rock and get the results they desired. Each of the Masters of Evil's abilities were boosted to higher levels in addition to creating some very strong, almost indestructible mutates. It was time to test the mutates' abilities against the Avengers.
If this test went well, then they could produce an army.
Hadelinde had the mutates teleported to the middle of Central Park. She and the Masters of Evil would be nearby to watch.
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