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Melanie Hall ([info]purplegeist) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-09-25 00:18:00

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I'm Learning Things I Didn't Want To Know.
They'd managed to wake Emily to get the elephants taken care of. They'd managed to get everyone back to Alpha Flight headquarters. They'd managed to call David and Misha's parents on the way. They'd managed...a lot of things, really.

The first thing Mel had done upon arriving home was dash to a washroom to be sick for a moment, then to clean off her face and hands. From this, figuring no one could need her for any more right now, she snuck into her own room, into her own walls, and put on some music.

No one will be prevented from entering the 'empty' purple room, certainly. But she wasn't going to bother anyone anytime soon.

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