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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He'd love that, especially considering he was almost singing his own thumping theme music now. There had to be good demon hunting soundtracks somewhere.

Deal! I so want to try that sword!

A cool lightsaber he could actually touch and slay demons with? Sign him up for a premium membership.

From his perch up on the levitating disc, Martin sends more discs down to come crashing down onto the hoard, trying the squish the demons like bugs. But they're a sturdy lot and there are an awful lot of demons. That doesn't deter the young mage from sending rounds of raining magic shields down.

Now for his next magic trick...what would it be? Unleashing a bit and going for a large area time freeze? Perhaps he'd save that for later. Or maybe that not-yet-tested gravity one. Really, all his experimental spells were the type that needed power more than control. Right up his alley.

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