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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He hadn't realized that when he'd done it, in fact he'd only started with the telepathy because he didn't want to screw up the incantation by talking out loud. That once really screwed one up when he'd said something in the middle of one. Nope, he'd learnt his lesson from that.

The gigantic grin on his face that forms once the incantation comes to a close could scare even a few of those demons. That was not the grin people were supposed to have when faced with a hoard of them. Martin was having a tad too much fun. Well, he'd have fun anyway but having someone who was equally excited by this sort of thing, and also lacked whatever it was that made 'sensible' people so grouchy, made it even more fun. Couldn't those grouchy people enjoy a good demon bashing? Sheesh.

The ball of demon fire, now as tall as Marlow herself, slowly lowered itself to the shocked looks of many watching demons. As if to make things more dramatic, the sky had darkened, making the flaming ball glow brighter as it was speared by Marlow's sword.

Demon Hunting is a GO!

With that telepathic declaration the ball of fire spins rapidly on her sword and at once begins shooting fireballs out which dive into the throngs of demons.

Too bad they didn't have theme music.

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