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Sam Fury ([info]sammyfury) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
She made a tsking sound. "Yeah, me. Oh, I get it. I said it had four floors empty. I was just pointing out what was there, not that I wanted to make it available as a clubhouse. In no way would I tell the others where to spend their time. I thought about a SHIELD building first because it would be easier than explaining to a tenant board why Col. Fury was installing security. It's off the active list for safe houses, so I thought why not. It would cut out a lot of The Talk."

The Talk - Why Sammy can't be too normal and do things normal girls her age do because if she got kidnapped, Col. Fury was compromised by trying to get her back. Although, her ability emerging did cut down a lot on that as well. Kidnappers had to first hang onto her to make any ransom demand work.

"If I do it, maybe others will and get that building back into use. Maybe if I tell him you're looking for a place and you'd be my neighbor, he'd be less concerned. Even if you don't use it, the idea that you might be around would work."

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