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nextgen_orochi ([info]nextgen_orochi) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-06-03 20:22:00

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Entry tags:clockwork, grogg, hajime, kayura yagyu, lord deathstrike, plot-"the eternal serpent", team - big hero 6

The Youkai
He'd underestimated their power. Or perhaps he had overestimated his own. He was in a human body after all. Then again, perhaps it was a combination of both. Either way, it didn't change his current predicament.

After the attack Orochi had used the distraction of breaking the water from the street as a means to escape. Using his control over water he had found a small underground cave, usually flooded over. Ir was here where he was currently recovering. His body was healing, but not as quickly as he would have preferred. It would need to be sped along. He needed the remainder of his power. He would require assistance.

"If only I had the power to revive my servants. I suppose I must make do with what the current age provides me with." He began to chant, raising a hand as four of his fingers began to glow. "Find me four souls who hate those that attack me and grant them each a portion of my power. Bind to them the armors of the old times and bring them forth to serve me..my Youkai!"

Four beams of magic erupted from his fingers, seeking out those chosen.

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Re: vs. Ginchiyo Karada
2012-07-12 10:03 am UTC (link)
"Do you know this female, Keiji-san?" Clockwork turns its head inquisitively.

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Re: vs. Ginchiyo Karada
2012-07-12 09:22 pm UTC (link)
Her feet touched the ground. "Let me introduce your clockwork companion to blessed pain..."

A sharp gust of wind struck out, bringing with it random debris, directed at Clockwork.

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Re: vs. Ginchiyo Karada
2012-07-13 03:57 pm UTC (link)
"Clockwork, move!" Keiji yelled, trying to warn his teammate.

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Re: vs. Ginchiyo Karada
2012-07-21 08:43 pm UTC (link)
Clockwork dives to one side, the earth trembling and then responding with a burst of dirt at their attacker.

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Re: vs. Ginchiyo Karada
2012-07-21 11:17 pm UTC (link)
A rush of air blew the dirt away, sending some of it back at the two of them.

"I believe... I shall make you suffer. A thousand small cuts. Bleeding... so much bleeding. Your pain will be glorious."

She whipped up another razor wind.

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