No Disassembly Required (takes place before Orochi)
"So, professor, your findings thus far are consistent with expectations?"
"Yes, sir." Professor Honda removed his glasses, polishing them with a handkerchief his mother had given him. "Agent Clockwork--"
"The subject, professor. The construct is property of Big Hero 6, not a recognized agent." The official corrects him harshly.
"...of course, sir. The construct's general construction has been completely mapped, along with the reports of the agents who infiltrated the enlarged superstructure during initial contact. My team and I understand it's mechanical operations thoroughly. However--"
He interrupts again. "--the power source and key to its mystical abilities are still unclear. Hence the need to disassemble the construct so we can reverse-engineer the workings. Your initial experiments in modifying the subject to allow it to speak have already illustrated your proficiency in the workings of it."
Professor Honda bristles lightly, but nods. "Yes, sir, but as I have stated in my reports thus far, while I maintain confidence in my team and our spiritual consultants' ability to replicate the abilities of the construct, the subject's sentience may be permanently lost."
"Immaterial. More of these units will change our great nation's ability to defend itself, against threats both internal and external. I will see to the construct being taken into the Ministry's custody. Ready your team. You are dismissed."
At BH6 headquarters, Clockwork is in one of the common areas. It had recently purchased several canvasses and related supplies, and had been experimenting with calligraphy, and some simple figure painting.
Imagination took some measure of practice, it was finding. It should be grateful, however. Many of the books it had read about... similar beings said they were incapable of coming up with original thoughts.
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