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nextgen_cosmic ([info]nextgen_cosmic) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-04-27 20:38:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, groot xxiv, lady devil, plot-"fighting like cats and dogs", rocket red panda, team - guardians of the galaxy

With Irath's aid, the Guardians' teams where each given directions to the capitals of the Rorians and the Merai respectively.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-05 09:11 pm UTC (link)
Lord Varas sat on a throne slightly elevated above the others in the room. True to Irath's story, he wore a breathing-helmet attached to a small air-tank. The sound of the air and the lord's strained breathing were soft, but audible.

"Indeed," the voice spoke with strain. He seems to look at the trio, for a brief instant pausing on Azura, before turning back to Alex. "Irath goes beyond himself contacting outsiders, but," he changes the dial on the tank for a moment. "if all-out war can be avoided, it can be forgiven."

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-08 11:55 pm UTC (link)
Azura kept quiet. She knew she wasn't good at the whole talk and diplomatic stuff. It was better if it were left to Quill.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-09 02:45 am UTC (link)
Groot also stays quiet, though he was admittingly curious why Varas looked at Azura as long as he did. As far as he knew Rorians did not find humanoids attractive.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-09 03:10 am UTC (link)
"I volunteer my services as a mediator to help you and the Merai resolve this peacefully. Your people need not shed any blood, save in the hunt or to prove oneself in honorable combat for success."

Keep it simple, Quill. Don't get too flowery. Just stick to the cliff notes.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-09 04:40 pm UTC (link)
"You may dispense with the recitation of our customs," Varas replied hoarsely. "You say you wish to stop a potential war, but that may be unavoidable at this point." He rubs his neck.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-09 04:43 pm UTC (link)
"Not an outcome I accept, sir. Principle of my career." Star-Lord replies firmly.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-09 05:43 pm UTC (link)
Varas sat back in his throne. "What I say doesn't leave this room. Understood?"

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-10 08:20 pm UTC (link)
Azura nodded, only half paying attention to what was being said anyway. She'd only get invested when it got more interesting, like when the fighting started.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-13 10:18 pm UTC (link)
Alex nods sternly. "Of course, your majesty."

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-14 01:09 am UTC (link)
"The truth of the matter is..I was attacked by Merai soldiers. I do not know if they were sanctioned by the Matron or not, but if my people knew..they would be in the streets calling for blood."

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-15 12:10 am UTC (link)
"We'll find out if it was sanctioned or not, but we need you to at least come to the table."

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-16 09:45 pm UTC (link)
"I can promise my two teammates as your personal security escorts for the meeting while I provide the intermediary functions." Alex tries to sweeten the deal a bit for the ruler.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-16 10:32 pm UTC (link)
Lord Varas seems to think on that for awhile. "..very well. What of those of your number seeing the Merai? Are they diplomatically trained?"

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-18 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Azura kept quiet. She could make a few comments about Red and his ideas of diplomacy, but she wisely kept quiet.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-29 07:43 pm UTC (link)
Alex replies immediately. "I have every confidence in the members of my team to handle the situation with due respect and caution. I wouldn't have them with me on this mission otherwise."

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-29 07:54 pm UTC (link)
Groot looked like he wanted to say something but wisely kept the opinion quiet.

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-29 07:55 pm UTC (link)
After a moment of silence, Varas spoke. "Very well. If you're colleagues can bring the Merai to the table, I will go."

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Re: Team Roria
2012-05-30 01:09 am UTC (link)
"Then let's get going," Azura said. Ontoda was expecting a shipment of ingredients soon and Azura was going to be there.

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