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nextgen_citizen ([info]nextgen_citizen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-04-26 13:51:00

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Entry tags:aridis, cosmopolitan, halbjorn, svalin, team - defenders, zoey ashcroft

Happy Birthday! x3
Zoey loved birthdays and today there were three of them. Svalin, Halbjorn and Aridis all had their birthday on the same day and that day was today! They were three of her bestest friends and she made them each a present. She had her mom help with getting the frames for the picture of the Defenders that they had made and Zoey put the picture in each frame. Along with the photographs, she drew a picture of the Defenders for each of them.

She happily delivered her gifts.

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2012-05-08 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Zoey rolled her eyes. "It's for your birthday, Silly. Every year you get something."

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2012-05-09 12:00 am UTC (link)
"...oh. Ist it truly that season a'ready?"

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2012-05-09 12:11 am UTC (link)
"Aye! It ist! I made this for you!" She shoved the two gifts into Hal's hands.

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2012-05-09 03:26 am UTC (link)
He takes the present carefully, remembering the basics of the weird traditions here. He unwraps it carefully.

"How odd... and this ist to be celebrated e'ery year?" he asks, while he's at work with it.

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2012-05-10 08:22 pm UTC (link)
"Yup! Every year on the same day!"

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2012-05-10 08:24 pm UTC (link)
Huh, mortals are weird.

He opens the present carefully, peering inside.

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2012-05-10 10:04 pm UTC (link)
"I made the one," she explained. "I helped pick out the frame for the other."

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2012-05-10 10:15 pm UTC (link)
He ponders it a moment, wondering, given her enthusiasm, if he should tell her that he really isn't supposed to accept such things.

No, probably not. He'll put it up on display to be 'house property' somewhere later.

"Tis quite impressive. Thou'rt becoming a ver' skilled artist."

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2012-05-11 12:22 am UTC (link)
"Thank you!" Zoey beamed. "Happy birthday! I have to go give Svalin and Aridis their gifts." Zoey threw her arms around his legs and hugged him.

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2012-05-11 12:25 am UTC (link)
He returns the hug - that he can accept without reservation. Once she's gone, he quietly moves the picture to put it up in a hallway. That will serve.

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