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forceofnature ([info]forceofnature) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-04-22 18:49:00

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Happy Earth Day! (open to anyone)
Corpus Christi, Texas was one of the few places in the United States that housed four oil refineries. They processed the crude oil that came into the port and then shipped it to various parts of the United States. It was Sunday, which also happened to be Earth Day, and the four refineries were working on skeleton crews.

"Destroy as much as you can," a voice belonging to Quintus Flavius Marcellus, or Quinn Marcel, said over the comms. Quinn was the commander of the field team and coordinated efforts from a secret location. "Remember we do this to save the planet."

"Acknowledged," replied Fauna. She passed on the commands to her field team that consisted of Firestorm, Hurricane, Tidal Wave, Terra and Flora.

They moved in on one of the refineries and explosions ripped through the spring air.

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Breaking News
2012-04-22 08:43 pm UTC (link)
"This just in from Corpus Christi, Texas. Super powered individuals have attacked an oil refinery in the city and set off a chain of explosions that have but all destroyed the refinery. The refinery on the east side of the city is still in flames and the perpetrators have moved on to one of the other refineries in the city. Officials have assured us that there are no posed to the general public, but authorities are urging people to stay away from the sites of Corpus Christi refineries."

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