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nextgen_orochi ([info]nextgen_orochi) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-04-21 18:47:00

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Entry tags:clockwork, grogg, hajime, kayura yagyu, lord deathstrike, plot-"the eternal serpent", sunset, team - big hero 6

The Serpent Awakes
Kazama Goda, foreman of the construction crew, oversaw the removal of the debris left in the wake of the dragon attack. All the damn monsters..he was seriously considering moving. Maybe to South Korea, he had family there on his uncle's side,

"Goda-san, you've got to see this!"

"What is it?" Goda asked, annoyed.

"I don't know, I think it's a dinosaur fossil!"

Officially intrigued, Kazuma went over to where it looked like a partially unburied, reptilian skull.

"Kami," he gasped, moving toward it.The attack must have uncovered it. It was magnificient, he thought, mesmerized and moving toward it.

"Goda-san?" one of the workers called.

He didn't hear it. He reached out and touched the skull..and Kazuma Goda vanished in a wave of primal power. A burst of energy enveloped the body, practically exploding with raw energy. It mutated and shifted, scales forming and muscles shifting as the body transformed in mid-air. Some of the workers fled, others seemed transfixed by what was happening. Finally it stopped as he majestically floated back to the ground, eyes closed.

"Kazuma?" One of the braver workers asked.

The eyes opened, yellow with slitted pupils.

"No," and a burst of lightning sends the man flying into a group of his colleagues. "Finally...flesh..blood. It is not much, but it is a start." He turns in the direction of a strong pulse. "Yes, merely the beginning." And he casually walks in the direction of the signal, energy crackling the ground as his feet touched.

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2012-05-15 01:27 am UTC (link)
Orochi, eyes blazing, takes the bait, firing twin beams of electricity at Keiji. Keiji screams in pain and falls to the ground, but even through the smoking flesh, he grins.

"What are y-" Hajime's blade sliced across the Eight-Forked Serpent's neck. Orochi croaked and gasped, stumbling on shaky legs as blood poured from the cuts in his scaled neck and lips. "I..will see you..kneel." It's then they'll realize one of the hands was glowing blue, causing the road to suddenly erupt with water, hiding the Serpent from view.

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2012-05-15 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Am....fine," she tries to insist even as her armor seems to go a little grey.

"Keiji-san?" She's not happy that he hurt himself and is going to start dragging herself in his direction. Then it just gets to be too much and she sinks just a bit trying to stay upright as best she can. She will not kneel. People of the Yagyu family do not kneel because of monsters they fight.

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2012-05-15 01:39 am UTC (link)
Hajime dives out of the way at the water. His greatest assets are speed and situational awareness - there's others to handle the super durability.

"Grogg-san, get Keiji-san, I will get Kayura-san. Clockwork-san... watch for ambush. Amiko-sama - where can we meet the... medics?" he asks, moving to try and help support Kayura to help her move. "You will need a doctor."

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2012-05-15 01:42 am UTC (link)
"I'm fine..Kayura-chan," he insisted despite the singed skin. He raises his hand a little in her direction and offers a weak smile in comfort. "Don't..push yourself."

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2012-05-15 02:45 am UTC (link)
"They're on standby." When the target disappears, Amiko radios them over immediately. "And nobody is shrugging off treatment. That is an order."

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2012-05-15 02:56 am UTC (link)
Kayura tensed for a moment under the order but then she relaxed dipping her head.

"Will...listen. Armor may not... come off? On it's own. Will react to threat to life right now. Must coax it off. Not... not until medics are here. In case it is as bad as you suspect. My armor will keep me stable," she tries to explain in a low halting tone because her armor is quickly draining her of energy to try and deal with the poison.

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2012-05-15 03:18 am UTC (link)
Keiji doesn't argue, he's really too hurt to make too big a show of it. Besides..he didn't like Amiko being mad him. "As you say, Amiko-san," he replied, suitably chagrined.

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2012-05-15 09:36 pm UTC (link)
Following Amiko's orders, Clockwork drops to one knee and pushes its fingers into the soil. Vines begin to weave through the soil of the area, expanding Clockwork's sense of awareness. Nothing would be sneaking up on them.

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2012-05-15 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Grogg slung Keiji over his shoulder. "No worry," he said. "Grogg has you."

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