Happy Anniversary
Svalin had been very busy for the past two days. Vernique and she had traveled to New York to see Dr. Vernard and Mr. Stark to have Svalin's artificial arm attached. It had gone well, though it did take longer than expected due to some complications with the nanites working with her Asgardian physiology. In the end they got it to work and Svalin was able to use it almost as if it were her real hand. They had told her to ease into using it, but Svalin didn't have time. She had a wife and a son to protect.
It was awkward at first, but hours spent using it with her sword paid off and it was almost as if she hadn't lost most of her arm. It even looked exactly like a flesh and blood arm and Svalin couldn't see any difference between her natural arm and the replacement. She spent hours practicing and felt more comfortable with it.
All of her time was not spent practicing, however. There was the matter of her wife and their anniversary to attend to. In Asgard they didn't really keep track of anniversaries or birthdays for that matter, but Svalin knew on Migard these things were important. With that in mind she had made sure she had gifts for her wife to celebrate their marriage a year ago.
Svalin knew her wife loved butterflies and brooches so she had one specially made for Vernique. From Solver her wife would receive a pair of matching earrings.
With gifts in hands, Svalin went to find her wife.
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