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Vernique Denning ([info]butterflybullet) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-31 19:27:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, jack murdock, kalypso, nicolai sablinova, plot-"workplace safety", team - avengers, toni rhodes

Take Your Son To Work
The Doctor stuff for Svalin had been going well. The family had been great to see. Now Vernique was going to check out the Nevell factories producing and shipping her perfume. And she was going to bring Solver with her. Let him see something different.

...Let him see different people, in different circumstances, who absolutely were not window dressing.

So she carries him around the floor telling him what's going on.

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2012-03-31 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"What the?" Vernique clutches a hovering Solver to her with one arm and draws her stun-gun with the other.

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2012-03-31 11:38 pm UTC (link)
"You know what to do!" Rollerball said to the others as he tried to knock over some stacked boxes.

The others all yelled back and started destroying random stuff.

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2012-04-02 12:50 am UTC (link)
Vernique, while encouraging her employees towards the usual emergency evacuation exits, took a shot at the one in front.

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2012-04-02 01:10 am UTC (link)
The shot bounced off Rollerball's ball and the man continued to plow into stacked boxes.

Vulture few in through the hole and started blasting away at random targets.

The other five members of the Revenge Squad started attacking random targets. The Panther zeroed in on Vernique and started heading right for her.

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2012-04-02 01:11 am UTC (link)
Another shot, trying to stave off the guy coming for her, and she triggers an alarm linked to the Avengers.

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2012-04-02 01:13 am UTC (link)
The guy in the spotted catsuit leaped to the right out of the way of the shot and continued to come at Vernique.

The others were busy destroying as much as possible.

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2012-04-02 01:22 am UTC (link)
Jack had monitor duty and fielded the alarm from Vernique. He sent out the call to the others as he answered her SOS.

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2012-04-02 04:02 pm UTC (link)
Toni answered her comm. "What's up, Jack?"

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2012-04-02 07:29 pm UTC (link)
Kalypso answered her comm as well. "What's going on? The world ending again?"

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2012-04-02 07:31 pm UTC (link)
Svalin had been in the training room when the alert went out. She ended the program and headed to the 'war room'.

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2012-04-02 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai quietly excused himself from a meeting. "What is going on?"

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2012-04-02 11:54 pm UTC (link)
"Not sure yet," Griffin comments. He is going to toss his safety goggles onto the table.

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2012-04-03 04:52 am UTC (link)
Buck was working out, predictably, when the alert came off, so its not much difficulty to finishing getting his stuff together on the way to the comms.


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2012-04-04 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Vernique Denning's alarm went off. No info on why yet. Getting a location now."

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2012-04-04 11:16 am UTC (link)
"Noted and on my way."

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2012-04-04 04:04 pm UTC (link)
Svalin heard Vernique's name and started running. "What happened?" Solver was with her and now Svalin was very worried for the both of them.

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2012-04-04 07:47 pm UTC (link)
"Should we head to the Quinjet?" Kal asked as she flew down the hall.

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2012-04-04 07:49 pm UTC (link)
"Already headed that way to get it warmed up. Someone get the coordinates. We're going to have to make this quick."

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2012-04-04 09:12 pm UTC (link)
"Never ends 'round here, does it?" Toni asked, as she headed that way.

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2012-04-04 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"Svalin." Damn it this isn't good.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I know your wife and son are in danger but...." He has no idea how to put it.

Damn it. He feels like an ass.

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2012-04-05 12:56 am UTC (link)
"Speak thy mind," Svalin snapped as she reached the Quinjet hangar. "We doth not have time to waste."

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2012-04-05 01:59 pm UTC (link)
Jack sent the coordinates to the navigation computer and ran from the room. He reached the hangar after the rest to hear Griffin's concern. "Move! If anything, an angry Asgardian is a distraction we can use. The alarm's at the Nevell factories."

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2012-04-05 09:45 pm UTC (link)
"Svalin, you're staying here." Buck says sharply, since others are dancing around it. "You're a capable warrior, and even with a handicap, more powerful than most of us... but this is a personal situation, you're overly invested, and you're still learning on adaption. We need someone on monitor duty who knows Vernique."

He hates leadership sometimes.

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2012-04-05 10:18 pm UTC (link)
He would get a death glare, but she nodded. It wasn't because his logic was sound, but because he was in charge. Svalin had been trained to follow orders.

"I doth not like this," she said. "But I wilt obey."

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2012-04-05 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"For what its worth, I don't like it either, and I'm sorry. But for right now, it stands. We'll see to their safety as our top priority, promise."

He then heads for the Quinjet at top speed.

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