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nextgen_genosha ([info]nextgen_genosha) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-04 23:03:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, angelo bennet, charlotte lehnsherr, giovanna bennet, plot-"reasonable people", rikki cargill, sengai senyaka, simon davis

Reasonable People Can Disagree.... Angrily.
He'd rounded up the gang. 2500 was ready and everything. Now just came the doing it by the book.

"Yes," he said when the call finally went through. "This is a fellow-citizen wondering if Mr. Summers had any space on his calendar today."

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2012-03-11 04:09 pm UTC (link)
Rikki too, had been not hovering at the fringes. Because she was certain if she got too close, she'd try to knock that smug look off Gideon's face.

Oh, Eric, she thought. What're you doing with these fools?

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2012-03-12 07:34 pm UTC (link)
"One of the things that's really concerning us," Gideon begins, "Is the work you're doing here."

"Not because you're not doing a good job of it," Jenny interrupts pleasantly, "But because of issues as to whether the country is really ready to be dealing in international affairs when there's so much to concern ourselves with at home."

If Gideon's bothered at being interrupted, he doesn't let it show. ...Noticeably.

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2012-03-12 07:35 pm UTC (link)
Gio braces herself slightly. "You may have noticed that we've been quite willing to come home when there's an emergency."

"Yes, but that's not what I mean," Jenny said.

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2012-03-12 07:52 pm UTC (link)
Erik puts a comforting hand on jenny's shoulder.

"Jenny just means that Genosha's still going through, hell I guess you can call them 'growing pains'."

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2012-03-12 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Andrew nods. "An entirely valid point. But history tells us that there will always be sufficient reason, sufficient other things going on that can be used as reason a nation is unready for something. In this nation, for example, the dealings in the Asian theater made the 1960's a less than ideal time for the Civil Rights movement here to have made as strong a stand as they did.

There will always be something. And this in no way dismisses any of the problems Genosha has. Those are serious, and should be engaged. But existing in the same world as the super powers and so much going on, I think we cannot afford not to deal with international affairs. The one state of affairs and its importance does not negate the necessity of the other."

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2012-03-13 01:18 am UTC (link)
She didn't know if she had any place to talk..given she was the one person in the room who wasn't a mutant...but...

"Whether the world is ready for it or not...or whther Genosha is ready for it or not...It's happening. I don't see how it'd be possible to stop it, unless you want to completely cut Genosha off from the world."

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2012-03-13 01:26 am UTC (link)
"I get that, I do. There's truth to it, but why.." Erik's hands gripped the table. "why with the bastards that killed..!" Erik's eyes seem to water a moment before he shakes his head, his voice more restrained. "..I'm sorry."

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2012-03-13 01:28 am UTC (link)
A sympathetic glance in Erik's direction, and then he looks to Andrew.

"The thing is, there's obviously no real harm in making friends in Scandinavia. Which seems to be ...mostly what you've managed over the past two years. But surely that could be done without currying pointlessly to the same superpowers that rejected refugees fleeing from the magistrates and, um... other violations of the country." Gideon apparently means that last part to sound sensitive to Erik's feelings.

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2012-03-13 01:35 am UTC (link)
"What is it you want us to do, exactly? Because I think I can say that while we're always open to suggestions and help and input...but need to know exactly what it is you want before we can work towards finding a way that everyone reaches a compromise."

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2012-03-13 04:09 am UTC (link)
"No, no. Erik, please don't apologize. Its a very legitimate question. I think Ghandi said it best - 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.' By engaging everyone, the whole world, being open to talking, it puts those hostile to us in the position of having to justify their behavior. It weakens their position, and gives relatively minor friends, like Northern Europe, more teeth to act and speak on our behalf.

Yes, the friends I've made us have relatively little power alone. However, they have influence with France, who is capable of tying up the UN security council. It also provides us with friends with significant social and scientific resources that they're willing to trade, and like to be frontrunners on human rights issues - giving them a certain moral high ground when they speak on our behalf. It may not look like turning the US or something, but I still feel the inroads we've made strengthen Genosha's future.

Believe me, I am not blind to the fact we have enemies. But if we approach them with open hostility, we look very much the boogeyman they want the world to believe we are. If we can strengthen ourselves and our allies - slowly and carefully - with diplomacy and patience, we give ourselves more resources to work with to solve internal problems, without having to waste resources tilting at Russian windmills."

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2012-03-13 08:12 pm UTC (link)
Gio sits silently and reflects on how handsome Andrew is when he's being ridiculously reasonable.

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2012-03-13 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Andrew is ridiculously reasonable when the smashing someone's face alternative would be far more appropriate and satisfying. Then again, Rikki would be the first to admit that "hit it" was her first option in just about any given scenario.

Not to mention she's still reasonably sure that other people should be afraid of them. They were superior to the flatscans, after all.

She settled for clenching her fist and trying not to grind her teeth.

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2012-03-13 08:49 pm UTC (link)
Besides practically swooning as much as his sister does, Angelo steps to Erik and gives him a sympathetic nod, offering him the end of the tray with the heavier items, close enough to comfort food until dinner.

"We've all worked very hard at building bridges. The superpowers are obviously a slower process, but we are still moving forward. Assuming hostilities can only move us backwards, Mr Moreau."

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2012-04-12 04:08 pm UTC (link)
"That's all well in good in theory, Mr. Summers, but there's always the possibility both of your own eyes are plucked out if you allow it." He takes a drink. "I understand what you're trying to do, honestly I do, but sadly most enemies of the mutant race are not so open in their intentions. Genosha is becoming a focal point for their aggression. That's what i object to."

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2012-04-12 04:33 pm UTC (link)
"None of us are happy about that, Mr. Moreau."

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2012-04-13 11:59 am UTC (link)
"In no way do I disagree with you. It is always possible that I'm wrong - in which case, I'm hurting very little beyond wasting the time of a few people. I am convinced, however, that an isolationist attitude has never promoted peace nor understanding. Our enemies may not be open in their intentions, but they will be that way whether we engage them or try to ignore them, while those who might be our friends will not respond well to a cold shoulder and silence. I appreciate your perspective and interest in Genosha's safety. You may even be right, and this is a waste of time - but I don't believe it is, and I hope you're open to that possibility as well. We both want what's best for our country."

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2012-04-13 02:51 pm UTC (link)
Every so often, though she would never admit this to anyone, Andrew had the capacity to make Rikki think that a world where the flatscans weren't ground beneath their bootheels, but their equals, was not only likely, but desirable.

How the hell did he manage that?

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