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nextgen_genosha ([info]nextgen_genosha) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-04 23:03:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, angelo bennet, charlotte lehnsherr, giovanna bennet, plot-"reasonable people", rikki cargill, sengai senyaka, simon davis

Reasonable People Can Disagree.... Angrily.
He'd rounded up the gang. 2500 was ready and everything. Now just came the doing it by the book.

"Yes," he said when the call finally went through. "This is a fellow-citizen wondering if Mr. Summers had any space on his calendar today."

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2012-03-05 04:00 am UTC (link)
"Simon let Gideon Moreau take the 3 o'clock space on your schedule today. I'd...really prefer he'd backed it up a few days, given me time to figure out how the guy was even getting to America. Father would have /mentioned/ if he'd left home noticeably." Pause. "And I'm not trying to say you shouldn't meet with someone because his father was scum. I'm just... concerned."

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2012-03-05 04:09 am UTC (link)
Andrew considers this a moment, then nods firmly. "Good. I'd prefer Gideon think he has an advantage because he has some way of getting to us we don't know about. That this is the first we've heard about it means that he isn't trying to cause a stir here and ruin our work so far first. He wants us to see 'reason', I would guess. Far better that than some of the things he could have done. Please have Angelo select an appropriate menu and background. Genoshan seafood, music, the rest. I'd like our guests to feel as at home as possible, instead of giving them anything to attack how american we've become."

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2012-03-05 04:17 am UTC (link)
Gio frowns, but nods. "On it."

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2012-03-05 04:25 am UTC (link)
Andrew nods. "I don't expect violence, but if we can find a way to keep something able to give off a shock nearby, that would be good. I don't want you hovering - much as there is a risk, I don't want to suggest to them they're anything but welcome countrymen. He'll want to provoke us if he gets upset, not be seen as the one starting trouble. So we remove any chances he has - record everything, and make sure that if trouble starts, he's clearly the one starting it."

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2012-03-05 04:27 am UTC (link)
"Understood. I'll...have a long talk with Rikki."

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2012-03-05 04:30 am UTC (link)
"Please do. Under no circumstances is anyone to provoke them, be rude to them, or anything of the sort. Angelo is more than welcome to kill them with kindness, however. I encourage him to go to every excess to make them, quite literally, more than comfortable."

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2012-03-05 04:34 am UTC (link)
She smiles. "As you wish, mon ange."

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2012-03-05 04:39 am UTC (link)
He nods. He's always done best under some pressure. This is not pleasant news, but he'll prepare for it, and do his best to make sure he's ready for this, trusting Gio to handle the others.

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2012-03-06 01:49 am UTC (link)
And Gio heads out, alerts Angelo to the need to make a dinner straight out of Hammer Bay, and then grabs Rikki. "Big challenge today."

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2012-03-06 01:54 am UTC (link)
This got a curious look out of Rikki.

"...Okay, I'll bite. What's up? Because this doesn't look like the righteous beat down kind of challenge."

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2012-03-06 02:12 am UTC (link)
"Ma Foi, I wish. We're having dinner with Gideon Moreau, and we are absolutely not going to start a fight."

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2012-03-06 02:22 am UTC (link)
Rikki turned strangely calm, the kind of calm Gio would well recognize as coming before a storm of anger.

"We can still finish it if he starts one, right? Because I don't see why else he would be here."

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2012-03-06 02:27 am UTC (link)
"Only if he and his associates very clearly throw the first punch. I'm going to put the cameras on."

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2012-03-06 02:40 am UTC (link)
"Dammit," Rikki growled. "It's gotten political, hasn't it?"

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2012-03-06 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Yep. And remember, we've got a policy of not blaming anybody because their fathers were scum, so let's try not to think too hard about that either."

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2012-03-06 02:58 am UTC (link)
Rikki scowled. "Well. This oughta be fun then."

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