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Nimue Smallwood ([info]sea_shelly) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-21 08:36:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"people power"

Taken off the map

At approximately 6:37 am, est, something had happened in Clearwater, British Columbia.  A small town of less than 1500 people, no one had paid it much mind before.  But early that morning a wave of energy had ripped through the town, killing virtually the entire town and causing massive property damage on top of that.  The flare had been seen from miles away.  By the time the news had reached the government, it had been far too late to stop whoever, or whatever, had done it.  But it was not too late to help those who remained, what few there were.  Most surprising, however, was the utterl lack of any radioactivity.

And that was where Alpha Fight came in.  In point of fact, Alpha Flight was uniquely suited for search and rescue operations.  Mel and Alex were ideal for seeking out small spaces and searching under rubble.  Mason's powers made clearing away debris easy.  And Nim and Jordan's strength was more that sufficient for any tasks that remained.  Additionally, they had even called in Beta Flight, the training squadron.  Other than the occasional practice session, Alpha had little to do with them, perhaps owing to some resentment on behalf of both from the time Alpha had been framed and they had clashed.  But today, every hand was welcome.

Nim grunted slightly, lifting up a section of fallen wall.  How long had it been since she'd last been in water?  She'd lost count.  They'd been working for hours now and had only found little more than a handful of survivors.  Who could have done such a thing?  And why?  This wasn't a seat of government, nor home to any real industry, or, well, anything, really, other than people living their lives.

She tapped her communicator.  "This is Nim.  Two more dead at my position."

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2012-03-01 01:40 am UTC (link)
Alex scurried to the man's chest and then started to change. His form grew in size and became that of a large red dragon. He took care to make sure his body shielded that of the man's. The rubble around them slid off to the sides and Alex carefully grabbed the man in a clawed foot. He roared and then leaped up, clearing away the rest of the rubble.

He roared when he was free and flew up in the air for a moment before landing in a clear spot.

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2012-03-01 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Huh, that works too. Glad we'd checked that area thoroughly. Let the medics handle him for now, we need to get back to work. Unfortunately." Nice as it was to find a survivor. After all this, they needed it.

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2012-03-02 12:11 am UTC (link)
" 'kay." Mel makes sure the medics are coming as she starts to sink back into the ground.

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2012-03-02 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Mason makes sure to stay out of the medics' way, grinning at Alex. "Dude... you're awesome."

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2012-03-03 12:06 am UTC (link)
Though breathing and seemingly unharmed, the paramedics could not rouse the man. In addition, though no one noticed, some of the battery powered equipment brought near him lost more power than it should have for that short a time of use.

In the meantime, Alpha and Betas Flights would go back to work... but there would be no more survivors.

Nim took a long drink from her water bottle, then poured the rest over her head, running her fingers through her hair briefly as she sat down to rest.

God, she felt like crying.

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2012-03-03 06:13 am UTC (link)
Alex shifted into a beagle and just lay down on the ground. He was exhausted. He used every form he could think of to help find survivors, but there were no more. There were plenty of dead bodies in the rubble. He could smell them even now.

He put his head down on his paws and just watched.

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2012-03-03 03:54 pm UTC (link)
Jordan lets the others rest, almost wishing he could claim fatigue so he could take a break here somewhere, but he knows he'd feel guilty if he did, not relieved.
So he plows ahead, doing the grim work of digging out the rubble and finding bodies, letting the others be.

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2012-03-05 12:52 am UTC (link)
Mel sits down with Alex for a while.

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