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nextgen_citizen ([info]nextgen_citizen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-19 17:10:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, bea dayspring, crosshairs, martin baum, plot-"the cutting edge"

Trouble Downtown
Car alarms went off and people screamed, a few firing shots, as a metahuman rampage is in progress. Police bands are abuzz with reports of six mutants or robots or something that shouldn't be causing significant property damage. Reports are sparse, with the only details about the attackers being 'tall', 'strong', and 'brightly colored'.

The individuals were human in shape, but completely covered in single color suits. They were strong, and fast, and nothing police or bystanders seemed to be throwing at them would make them stay down for long.

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Blue and Green
2012-02-22 11:47 pm UTC (link)
One in a green suit rips a parking meter out of the ground and hurls it at a young girl. The blue one catches it and pauses thoughtfully for a moment before charging at a couple on the other side of the street, swinging the parking meter like a bat.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-23 02:41 am UTC (link)
Fast and agile, good to know. Strong enough to tear up parking meter. Kelly assesses the targets, then lobs a stun grenade between the metahuman and the couple. Sure, it will catch them too, but they needed to get their heads down anyway, plus the area shot should give her a better idea of the reflexes she's dealing with.

"What is this, fucking amateur night? Parking meter is totally weighted wrong to be a good weapon. Leaves you wide open on the follow-through. If you're going to terrorize innocents and sow terror, do it right, bitches."

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-26 12:15 am UTC (link)
The figures are driven back by the stun grenade, then start grabbing the heaviest items they can procure, lobbing them at Kelly.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-28 06:35 am UTC (link)
Kelly ducks and rolls under the first, crashing just behind her. "Pinto, among its many sucky features - aerodynamics. You're just not good at this."

She fires, not expecting to hit anything, just trying to take them off the offensive a bit.

"Manhole cover, better, much...erk."

She's slammed back into a building, rolling with it, but still caught off guard by the force of the throw. "But you realize, that minivan there would be a much better projectile."

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-02-28 11:38 pm UTC (link)
The figures stop, seeming to contemplate that, then both run over to the minivan. They each grab an end, and then fling it at Kelly. The yelping of a dog can be heard from within.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-01 12:25 am UTC (link)
Kelly got the report, such as it is, on their conflicted nature and contradictions - so she tries something as the van is being hefted and they're in the motion of throwing.

"Oh no! Someone has to save the puppy!"

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-01 05:55 pm UTC (link)
The figures freeze as they throw the van, and then just as quickly, run underneath it, trying to catch it. They manage to break its fall, only to wind up underneath it. Their knees buckle briefly, before they completely give way, and are pinned underneath the vehicle.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-01 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Kelly grins down at them, drawing her pistols. "I've signed a waiver saying I wouldn't use lethal force unnecessarily. Your fashion sense almost crosses us into grey territory, but this is still property destruction on a wide scale. As such, I'm not going to shoot you in the head. Shoulder joints, however, are pretty incapacitating, and not necessary to most life functions. Given that you can throw vans, I assumed a higher than normal durability level, and went with the anti-armor shells."

She points one at each, opening fire point blank.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-02 11:15 pm UTC (link)
The shots strike true, and promptly pierce the suits. The bodies within erupt in a jet of steam, breaking down completely.

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Re: Blue and Green
2012-03-03 03:52 pm UTC (link)
Kelly eyes this phenomena. "You know, I should be pissed off that now I have to explain to my sister that I really was just shooting to wound, and didn't mean to kill someone for once. But the fact that you come with your own special effects when you die kind of makes up for it."

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